When you go to a doctor/therapist they treat you right?
So, why do you have to pay them?
Think about it.
When you go to a doctor/therapist they treat you right?
So, why do you have to pay them?
Think about it.
I must be slow because I don't understand
Could be wrong but if you are being treated [to something], it should be free 🙂
Omg I'm so stupid. Hahaha!
Thank you for explaining
I didn't get it either lol
Thank you for stepping in to admit that. My world is sometimes so black and white that I thought why shouldn't they be paid. 🙄
It was like Hypercats bat and ball riddle she posted. I couldn't get that at all . Even after she'd explained it took a while .
I missed that but I won't ask because it will probably fly right over my head too.
I get stressed when I'm face to face with someone and I can't figure out the joke. I pretend I know it because everyone else is laughing.
Growing up, I wanted to be a Doctor but never had the patience...