Hi Everyone,
This is my second post; my first post was submitted while I was in severe crisis a few months ago. While I’m not where I was, I’m still not where I want to be…
Thank you all for being here and sharing your most vulnerable moments in this forum. Your posts have gotten me through the darkest periods of this illness. When I feel I can’t go on, I come here and connect with you all, silently, because you share what I am going through. Agora1, you are a blessing to so many, in so many ways, and I am grateful for you, wherever you may be in this enormous world ❤️.
While I still deal with severe paranoia, fear, worry, intrusive thoughts, panic, agoraphobia, and anxiety, I am coping better. Writing in my journal has proven more useful than I thought at the onset. I worked with a therapist for the first three months and realized I felt worse after our sessions; we were not a good fit. I decided to end the relationship at the start of December because I needed more than the experience they had; I want to be better equipped to survive this storm. Now I am getting setup with a psychologist in my local area (the previous practioner was an LCSW about two and a half hours away, but still in the same state).
To get to the point, I’ve learned from reading some of Claire Weekes (thanks to your recommendations 🤗) that fear comes from guilt and I had no idea how much my past was haunting me until my nervous breakdown in July. The catastrophic thoughts have been building for almost two years and I was living on autopilot experiencing all of those negative emotions. I am learning to forgive myself so that the darkness from my past does not continue to paralyze me. Spending day-after-day in bed, frozen, keeps me stagnant and not moving forward; although that is where I feel safe. Being in a dark room, removed from the world, has been unhealthy and I am starting to realize that now. I sat in front of a window today, for the first time in months, and allowed the sun to shine on me for several hours; I FELT ALIVE AGAIN!
I am learning to let go and embrace the unknown, come what may. Our time is limited on this earth and I do not want to spend my days fighting an invisible monster, even if they turn out to be my last. I am accepting that I have no control over the future, but I do have control over the present and that is what I am trying to hold on to.
It’s been almost six months of this nightmare, but I will not give up. Thank you all for the courage and inspiration to keep going! Please feel free to engage with me as I live in isolation and your friendships are welcomed. 🙂
Until next time…