If today was the last day of your life, what would you do?
Last but not least : If today was the... - Anxiety and Depre...
Last but not least

Fast forward the world darts final so I wouldn't miss it.
I think I'd call my friends and family and tell them to come over - let's have a party and share stories about times together. Also, I'd go to the ocean and then spend a little time in the greenest place close by. A golf course would do the trick. Green is the heart chakra. Great Post, thanks 🥰
d sleep all day. Don't want sadness, don't want positive anything, cause then I won't want to die!
I know the feeling Beavis2022. Hope you can find some peace (even if it’s not your last day).
Spend some time with my mom and dad. The rest of my day with my partner. Just us curl up in bed and sleep well. Because Im so tired everything and just over everything.
CL3v3R-GIRL, When I read things like this I worry. Please hang in here with us. We need you.
Write letters to my family in California. Spend time with my husband and dogs ♥️
I'd sit on a seashore, the quieter the better, reflect, watch the tide come in and go out, maybe with a pint of Guinness! I'm terminally ill so I've had episodes of worrying, anxiety, depression, talking, arguments, I've seen my quota!👌
Dear Adlon57, sorry to hear about your experiences and conditions. Please know that you are always welcome and cared for in this space. I’m hoping for better times for you and know that you are not alone.
I'm very tired, I have had some really good advice over the years, but I'm battered and weary, and that's been my final day reflections ideal for some time, a last peaceful day like that on the beach, with a pint of Guinness, a pint of the cool dark stuff👍rather than lying in bed with tubes and monitors, and worrying family in close presence👌
Please find peace and love from your family and others as you hoped for in your final days. I must say that I spent the last few weeks of my mother’s life as her hospice caregiver. Know that your family’s and everyone’s love for you is the priceless gift that is as peaceful as any lovely beach (and I hope you get your pint or a glass of refreshing water). Take care dear one and dream of an infinite timeless peaceful existence in the afterlife, full of the creator’s love for you. and mine, we are no longer strangers but friends on a sandy, sunny, refreshing white beach.
I would hide away from everyone and be so glad that I wouldn't have to face life anymore because it's just been one battle after another with depression and anxiety
Be brave. Tell people how I feel. Instead of hiding my feelings.