3 weeks ago my wife said the dreaded “of course I love you, you are the father of our 2 children... I’m just no IN LOVE with you.”
This was totally out of the blue. She has been a stay at home mom for 6 years and now returning back to work.
I’m not going to say anything negative about her on here BUT @5@(!,&,8;9;’!!!
Can’t believe I am in this situation AGAIN!!
My 1st wife left me exactly the same way!! Married 9 years, 2 kids, stay at home mom when she turned 30 she got a job, a boob job, lost 100lbs, got a tummy tuck and 1 month later left me!!!
I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety and ocd 13 years ago and take all kinds of RX’s.
I haven’t had more than 5 or 6 episodes in 13 years and now I’m totally spiraling out of control.
Panic Attacks, Depression, Crazy Anxiety and getting jealous when she is on her cell phone, it a huge trigger for me....
Life sucks!!