been a long time sufferer of anxiety- but over the last year or so I started having panic attacks. This makes the anxiety worse and now feel anxious at all times. I am taking meds, but wanted to join this group to hopefully get some insight from others.
New here: been a long time sufferer of... - Anxiety and Depre...
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Hello and Welcome. There is a lot of support available here. I am glad you have joined us.
Understanding anxiety and how it manifests itself is one of the best ways to disarm it like your about to take an exam...the more you learn the less anxiety controls you.
Hi Hawk2. Anxiety and panic are for sure hard things to live with. I feel your pain. I'm not a doctor or psychologist, but these are some things that I've learned in dealing with my own anxiety:
A: Realize that anxiety is rooted in the body. It's a physical response. For many of us, there is a genetic component to it. It's NOT due to a lack of mental fortitude or courage. It's not something to feel shame over.
B: Connecting with your body through meditation and connecting with the present through mindfulness practice can help prevent the mind/body anxiety feedback loop in which the body feels anxious, so the mind reacts by imagining bad things which in turn makes the body more anxious, etc., etc.
C: Get physical exercise! It's SO helpful. Get out of the house, if you can, and in to nature (if you can).
D: Get counseling if you can. It can be a slow process, but it can help a lot over time. If you can't see a therapist for whatever reason, then talking to other people who experience the same thing (like people on here) can make you feel like you're not alone.
For me, these things haven't caused my anxiety to disappear, but they have helped me manage it. Again, I'm not a doctor or psychologist. These are just things that have helped me, personally.
I hope you get some relief from this soon. I know how it feels and so do millions of other people. Hang in there!
Thank you for your advice. It is nice to have this group to connect with. Sounds like you have a good plan on dealing with your anxiety. I have always been able to deal with it until recently when I started having panic attacks (very scary). Now I seem to have anxiety over having another panic attack- panic disorder?
Anxiety- for as long as I can remember. But recently I started having panic attacks. Causing constant anxiety/ panic disorder
panic attacks are so hard to get through. They happen to me in the middle of the night. Just hang on and try to remember it’s just fear. Freaking scary, though.