Hello. Brand new here. Hoping someone can offer me tips for when panic strikes when driving? I had a blackout in a public place when I was out with friends two years ago. Usually I can feel an anxiety attack coming on but this literally hit me strong and fast and next think I new I was on the ground looking up at like 15 concerned ppl wondering what the hell happened. Since then I’ve had a bad fear of the same thing happening when I’m driving, especially when I have one of my nieces in the car with me. I’ve been prescribed diazepam in the past which worked wonders. I moved cities and my most recent gp prescribed me hydroxyzine and it’s pretty meh. I still get panicked but I’d say it helps just a little. If anyone who has the same problem has any tips I’d greatly appreciate it!!
Anxiety Behind the Wheel: Hello. Brand... - Anxiety and Depre...
Anxiety Behind the Wheel

I’m sorry I have no tips, but welcome to the group!
Welcome to the community.
Did I just read one of your replies where you had a recent panic attack at the movies? Are these attacks frequent?
I'm really not sure what to say. I wouldn't drive distances until my attacks are under control.
Thank you!
I didn’t have a full on panic attack Friday but I had to leave the theatre and get air before it escalated. I felt off the whole rest of the weekend. Today I’m doing ok.
I used to work at a hospital but now I’m a nanny for my sisters 4 kids so unfortunately driving is a major part of my job. I haven’t had an attack with them in the car but I have had to pull off onto a side street to recollect my thoughts. That has only happened a few times. I make sure that the days I know I’ll have to drive them to dance that I avoid drinking coffee and take my med 30 min before leaving the house. Just hoping someone else had tips they used or maybe a podcast or something they listen to to keep their mind occupied.
you are not alone.im the same way ; driving with panic is hard and at times scares me.
I hear you, as I'm exactly the same. I passed my driving test over 22 years ago and only started sporadically driving the other year because my Grandad left me his car when he died.
I can suggest trying self hypnosis via either a CD or a download. There's a British hypnotherapist called Rachael Eccles who has a soothing and pleasant voice. You can search for her on Google, as she has her own site, but she sells on Amazon, eBay, etc., as well. Definitely worth checking out. She has tracks for loads of things that includes anxiety and fear of driving.
Best of luck!
Omg thank you!! Will definitely try this!
Even if you don't find her voice relaxing, it's definitely worth looking around for others who might have voices that resonate with you, like Wendi Friesen. It's worth a try, as the price of a CD or download might be as effective as trying therapy to help with the issue.
Like I say, I took struggle with driving anxiety and with my diagnosed, but untreated ADHD, I find myself utterly exhausted and drained after a short drive. I fear other road users, because no one seems to take responsibility for themselves anymore and everyone seems aggressive behind the wheel and in a rush - and that freaks me out.
Best of luck!
KCBrooke, I found that while practicing your breathing at home, it is something that
is always with you should the need arise to lower the adrenaline rush while driving.
With practice, you can have this tool work within moments of feeling unwell. *While
driving or even in a big box store.
It works faster than any pill and can reverse the ill effects quickly and safely.
When breathing properly, your shoulders will drop away from your ears getting you
out of that fight or flight stance. It will open the diaphragm so the oxygen can flow more
freely with each breath taken. The outcome is no one will even know and you will quickly
reset your over active nervous system.
I've found it an amazing tool for myself when stopped at a railroad crossing. Use those
moments in a positive way while making yourself feel more relaxed and in control.
My best to you xx