Hello all,
I am reaching out for some help and tips or advice anyone can give is useful. I suffer from extreme anxiety and panic attacks. Now it is effecting my driving to a point where I can no longer drive on a bridge or highway. I feel I am going to lose control of my car and crash and cause an extreme accident. my whole body clinches up and my eyes start twitching to the point where they want to close, my heart racing out of my chest. I then start tapping on the breaks and try stopping the car on the bridge because im afraid to even move forward. This has been happening to me a lot lately and it is freaking me the hell out. Really if anyone has any advise on driving anxiety besides the same old bullcrap of try breathing and counting... I mean really something that works. This is now effecting my career as a manager. Anxiety and panic disorder has taken over my life. And by doing this has caused me such a big amount of depression to the point where I really start questioning how can I continue to live if my life continues to get smaller and smaller due to the anxiety limiting my life to be able to do anything.
Thanks in advance guys for any help or anyone who reaches out.