I know, No one will read this - Anxiety and Depre...

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I know, No one will read this

richitadutta profile image
12 Replies

Though I know, no one gonna read this post, like my past posts, still I am writing this (in a hope that someone will read it). Sometimes, I feel, in this world, everyone is agitated with everyone. Everyone has an issue with everyone. Every person in this world has complaints with other persons & vice versa. All the time, we are angry, feeling frustrated, complaining about everything in our mind about someone or something. Nothing is right for anyone. Do we really feel happy at any moment with anyone or any thing in our life? Or we always find a way to think something negetive about everything we have in our life. We have forgotten to appreciate people & things, but always ready to complain even for a small issue. We are just pretending to be happy, but when we are alone, we realise, how lonely & tired we are. We smile or laugh everyday, but have forgotten to be happy from heart as nothing satisfy us & so neither make us happy. If we see a bigger picture of this world from a different perception, we can see that be it any relationship or any situation in life, we need each other only for our needs & not because we want to be in that relationship or with that person or with that particular thing. We remember them only coz we need them for our stuffs.

When was the last time, when you felt happy without any selfish need of yours with anyone? I cant remember if anyone felt like that with me for a very long time. Its all for materialistic need now. That connect is missing for a long time now & the craving for that connect is making me tired every moment.

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richitadutta profile image
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12 Replies
CLB1125 profile image

you make very good points. We all sometimes forget to be grateful for everything we do have. We live in a world that expects instant gratification.

MrBleak profile image

I understand how you feel. Sometimes it feels like people have forgotten how to just be good humans. We strive for material things and even if we get them, they can never satisfy us as much as a kind word or a friend that encourages you. We live in a world that knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. Perhaps life is just a classroom where we are supposed to learn how to love each other. Life is difficult, it has always been difficult. There has never been anyone ever born who does not experience pain. It is about how we use our pain and the choices we make as to how we deal with it. We can either use our pain to become bitter and angry, or we can use it become more compassionate towards others.

Dolphin14 profile image


Hi, I looked through your other posts and all but one got replies.

Are you in therapy? I've learned from my therapist to not generalize. If I say to her " everyone" she always asks me who is everyone. That helps me to see that it's my thought process that's the problem.

Life is very hard, people don't always respond how we want them to and there is alot of cruelty and judgement out there.

Try and find something positive in every day of you can. There is always something, it may be a tiny speck but it's there.

The only one we can rely on in this life is ourselves. Happiness isn't going to come from the outside world because we can't always depend on that.

This is just stuff I've learned along the way and it's been helpful

I hope you can find peace and happiness


richitadutta profile image
richitadutta in reply to Dolphin14

Hey, thank you for your advise. No I am not in therapy. Because its expensive for me. But kind words from people like you gives me hope. Yes I shouldn't generalise things. Like everyone is not selfish. Like you gave me advise & courage without any selfish intention. But the experiences in my life has made me like this. Its really tough to be positive in this world.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to richitadutta

You will find lots of support here:)

I'm so sorry you are feeling this way. I personally get some of that connection separate from material or temporal constraints with spiritual/religious connection to a higher power. It is so easy to feel empty when alone, I feel like that is when the depression and anxiety is the loudest. Your thoughts are insightful and profound, but I wonder what they do to serve you? Something can have great truth and be greatly unhelpful. You sound like you may be a bit low in your post. I hope you can see that there are people who are here and want to read your posts and care about not just your thoughts, but your feelings and wellbeing too.

richitadutta profile image
richitadutta in reply to ClassicalBlueKitty

Thank you for sharing your feelings with me and acknowledging mine

gajh profile image

I for one am very very grateful for my boyfriend, my Mother, and my Father. I can also count my blessings for material things. I think some people do have gratitude. I think there is hope.

richitadutta profile image
richitadutta in reply to gajh

Hope you get a very happy life with all of them.

Sunrisetabby profile image

People are reading your post. I read your post as well. The last time I felt happy was last week when I went to a professional women's basketball game. I went with my family, and it was the first time in over 10 years that I had gone to a professional sporting event. There were over 10,000 people, and even though I didnt know any of the players, don't know all of the rules, and don't really like watching sports, it was simply an amazing and electric experience to be part of a crowd, standing on our feet and cheering.

I respectfully disagree with your premise. Some people, some wonderful people only have positive wishes for everyone else.

Have you ever tried loving kindness meditation. I can't really meditate, and this meditation is geared towards children, but it is simply wonderful to listen to.

#2 “Floating Above the earth”

Sending Friendly Wishes to everyone


richitadutta profile image
richitadutta in reply to Sunrisetabby

Thank you for sharing your experience. You are right. Everyone is not same. Thanks for the link.

Polkadottail profile image

I do not live the best example at life myself. I certainly try though. One thing I try to remember is that it is important to find peace with yourself before you can share peace with others. Same can be said about love. I feel that when I hate myself I hate everyone else too. Recently, the happiest I have been was while camping in a wooded area. I was in a hammock and just swaying back and forth. It was quiet and I just focused on the feeling of the rocking motion and the sweet smell of the forest. It was really nice.

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