Though I know, no one gonna read this post, like my past posts, still I am writing this (in a hope that someone will read it). Sometimes, I feel, in this world, everyone is agitated with everyone. Everyone has an issue with everyone. Every person in this world has complaints with other persons & vice versa. All the time, we are angry, feeling frustrated, complaining about everything in our mind about someone or something. Nothing is right for anyone. Do we really feel happy at any moment with anyone or any thing in our life? Or we always find a way to think something negetive about everything we have in our life. We have forgotten to appreciate people & things, but always ready to complain even for a small issue. We are just pretending to be happy, but when we are alone, we realise, how lonely & tired we are. We smile or laugh everyday, but have forgotten to be happy from heart as nothing satisfy us & so neither make us happy. If we see a bigger picture of this world from a different perception, we can see that be it any relationship or any situation in life, we need each other only for our needs & not because we want to be in that relationship or with that person or with that particular thing. We remember them only coz we need them for our stuffs.
When was the last time, when you felt happy without any selfish need of yours with anyone? I cant remember if anyone felt like that with me for a very long time. Its all for materialistic need now. That connect is missing for a long time now & the craving for that connect is making me tired every moment.