We often hear of Christian values and i am fortunate to call my friend Neil a true Christian, in the years I have known him I have never heard him say one bad word about anyone, he doesn't gossip ever. He does so many good works quietly without fanfare expecting no thanks, in fact he shuns any thanks from numerous people for the help he gives them. I remember quite recently his unwavering kindness to two brothers who have serious mental health issues, his support to them is extraordinary and their parents are so grateful, especially as Neil is aware of their total commitment which would test the most able. I know of many similar acts of kindness which Neil does without reward, although his reward is knowing he is doing good for mankind. Almost every day he is traveling here and there helping and cajoling people who are lost in dealing with various problems. I would find it totally exhausting but he soldiers on with no regard for his own wellbeing.
I can write this because he is not on social media or on any forum he is a true Christian and a Gentleman, which is very rare in this world of turmoil, jealousy and spite. If you have one friend with these values, hold them close. for they don't come around too often.