Good evening everyone.
On February 5th of this year my 31 year old son committed suicide. I have never felt so much pain in my life. I saw my other children suffering in agony. The absolute devastation is beyond words.
I must admit that several years ago I myself attempted suicide during a very terrible time in my life.
Now having experienced the other side of it I could never, never, no matter how much pain I am in, do such a thing to my family and those that I love.
It was all over him having relapsed from alcohol after his wife refused to restore their relationship. He dealt with extreme loneliness though he was surrounded by people. The rejection of his wife and the thought of having to begin the recovery process over again was too much for him to bear. He dealt with intense shame and guilt which contributed to his hopelessness. If he had reached out to others to let them know what he was going through he could have gotten through this.
He left behind 2 beautiful children who will never get to experience their daddy's love, pride and joy in their lives.
I am still grieving his loss and miss him terribly but I am a Christian so I have great hope that my son and I will be reunited one day.
For anyone thinking of suicide please reach out for help. There is hope.