I don't want to sound like a record that keeps skipping but I have to get this out. I am three months out from withdrawing from an SSRI that I had to stop taking and about two months from amitriptyline which I only took for two weeks. I was on the SSRI for a short time, and at a low dose. I did genesight testing and I had a gene drug interaction to both medicines. I experienced a large increase in anxiety and panic, and disassociation immediately after the doctor took me off of these. I feel most of the severe withdrawal symptoms have passed, but a little lingering. Due to how intense it was I hadn't left the house in a month, and I wasn't going out much during the worst parts of the withdrawal.
I have this feeling that keeps trying to grasp at me, that if I go out, the world might become too big and I might get encompassed by it, like it could swallow me up. I don't like it at all and it's making me feel like I am watching everyone behind glass and I SO MUCH want to join them, but there is this terror holding me back. I know it is because of what I experienced and I am struggling to get past it. I think if I go drive out away from my own street for the first time in 3 months, what if I totally froze and have no one around to help me.
I know this will pass I just needed to talk about it.
Thanks for reading