I was googling ways do deal with anxiety and this app popped up so I figured id give it a shot. I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety and a panic disorder a little less then two months ago. I have to admit this has been the hardest thing to deal with. My pcp said I need to be put on an SSRI so I took it for about a week and had already experienced side effects so currently I can not taking anything. I am also skeptical about SSRIs because they can be addictive and addiction run very deep in my family. Everyday is a battle, some days I feel like I need to admit myself into a mental hospital because I feel like I can’t take it. Any advice or encouraging words is welcome. Thank you
Hey: I was googling ways do deal with... - Anxiety and Depre...

Hi. It sounds like you are off to a good start. You are getting help. I know the idea of meds can be scary, but it can be very helpful once you find the right ones. Combined with therapy, you can get a handle on it. I know how frustrating it is in the beginning...it is awful, but it can get better. I have generalized anxiety, panic disorder, depression, and ocd. It takes ongoing care, but if you find a good psychiatrist and therapist you trust, you will have a good team working to help you. Stay strong.
Mrsherron thank you it is nice to hear that there is hope
There is hope. It doesn’t mean it is easy, but I think we’re stronger than we realize. I probably need to take my own advice!
Mrsherron I need to do the same I’m always give good advice but never actual take it myself lol
We all do Kylie55.
Hi Kylie,
For starters, you’ve found a great community of (unfortunately) like-minded anxiety strugglers.
I too feel the need to check myself into a mental institution sometimes but I know that I’m better than that.
In my experience, SSRIs have helped me to get out of my rut. Obviously anxiety and depression cannot last forever and we go through good and bad times in our life. When you’re going through a bad time, try SSRIs. I was prescribed Prozac a few years back and it helped me in the short term. After 2 months I weened myself off and was totally fine for 3 years.
Over the past few weeks I’ve fallen back into a period of anxiety and depression. I was prescribed Lexipro but I felt awful when taking it (fever, disoriented, confused) so my doctor re-prescribed me Prozac and I started taking that again today. I remember the first week to be rocky but then your body adjusts and it levels me out. I don’t expect to be on Prozac for too long bc once I begin to feel better I will start weening myself off (with my doctor’s approval of course).
Everything heels with time. Know that you won’t be anxious/depressed forever. You will have bad days like everyone else but know that the good days are approaching. Continue to think positively and consider finding a therapist. The therapist may be able to help you find your triggers and help you to find a new way of thinking.
Good luck my friend and please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or anyone else in this community
Thank you so much ReardenSt33l I did find a therapist and liked her a lot actually but the last sensation I went to she was nodding off as if she was high (I did report it of course) but I left feeling distraught because I found someone I felt I could look up to I am currently in the process of finding a new one thank you
Oh wow that’s not good. Hopefully you can find someone new.
I also highly suggest self-help books. I am currently reading “Anxious for Nothing” by Max Lucado (it’s a Christian oriented book) and I very much enjoy it. I read it before bed and it calms me down enough to fall asleep. Waking up tho is a totally different story lol
Yes waking up and the thought of going to work gets me for sure even though I know I am comfortable at work
But I will look into that book!
The clouds won't last forever, soon the sun will shine. You are gonna get through this just like I did, i believe in you. Please hang in there its all gonna be okay. try looking up some positive affirmations online I'm sure it could help along with mindfulness, do some research on that I'm sure you would enjoy it.
Therapy is a must to discover the reason for the anxiety, I personally won’t take meds, I do homeopathy and complimentary stuff, talking really helps, nature helps me, sounds like you are stronger than you think, good luck x
I enjoy Max and have read several of his books. I agree, self help books are a help for me too. It is taking me a while to find a happy spot with my medications (three months) but I can feel that I’m getting better. Prozac (generic) is slowly helping me. I was anxious to the point of needing 40mg daily, I am now taking one 10mg midday along with an anxiety generic for Xanax. I haven’t found a new psychiatrist or therapist during this season of anxiety/depression. I’ve been talking with my pastor, general practitioner and utilizing this forum. I do feel that a therapist is a plus, especially if this is your first bout with these feelings. Welcome. I hope this feedback helps you as much as it helps me and others. You are in my thoughts and prayers. 🙏🏾
Welcome x