I am really desperate right now. Everybody tells me to find new people, go on dates... But I feel like I won't be in a relationship again. I don't want some measles relationship. I want something true. True love.
So many years passed before I found my ex boyfriend and we didn't continue our love because of misaligned future goals.
I don't think I will find somebody else. Not in the following years. I truly don't want to be alone. You can't imagine how I'm desperate for a simple hug, just to feel the feeling of love again.
I always thought that my first partner will be my forever partner. But now I am afraid of something that will hurt me or go wrong.
How do I continue? How do I find people? I've been trying for a month and I couldn't find anyone. Juts some strange guy who scared me and with who I have nothing in common so I ended our communication.