I want to work, I want to help people, but I cry at the drop of a hat. I try to care less, but I can't I care too much about other people. I don't get angry I get sad, and I've even attempted suicide once. It's been a long time trying, but people don't seem to see, and if they do it's annoyance or I get left alone and told "good" while I stress.My friends are helping me so much but my medication changes are making me tired. I feel good, I've felt good, but I feel like nothing I do really satisfies people's concerns, especially after my attempt... The tears confuse people I think but they're not always sad tears...
Stuck: I want to work, I want to help... - Anxiety and Depre...
hi. I know how you are feeling. I’m a recovering alcoholic (almost 6 years) and I wanted to help and give back unfortunately I wasn’t able to in the way I wanted. As far as other people it’s very hard because unless you have been through it you don’t know. I have support but it’s hard because they just don’t understand. I’ve found some holistic treatments that help but never covered by insurance. Tears at any moment I take everything to heart. You are not alone 💛
You either! Here's to another day 💛
The one constant I do know of is that so far we have survived 100% of our days. Keep trying
I feel your suffering. I made an attempt a few months ago and quit my job to take a few months off to take care of myself. I just returned to work a few weeks ago but struggling daily to keep pushing forward. I just moved to a new state and I don’t have any friends nor family to help. I have no motivation or joy in me left like I did when I was young. I just want to sit and sleep, let the days pass. I work with special needs but struggling as I can’t even keep myself happy. All I do is worry for them and myself constantly.
Waiting is so hard, is their any music, shows, books, or anything like that you enjoy?I try playing piano when my friends are all too busy. It's really difficult though, and crying all the time hurts. But we're here for you! And your reply helped me too, thank you!

I use to love listening to music but lately nothing great. And already out played my playlist. Shows I haven’t found anything interesting yet. I don’t like to read books unfortunately. I just can’t find joy in anything and I know I need a hobby. I appreciate your efforts and being here. I am also here for you. I’m glad I can help a little. Life is hard. But we are here still pushing.
Sounds like you know what your hobbies are, like me it's really hard to get back into them.The music doesn't sound the same, but maybe slowly trying when you seel up to it. Even sipping a nice tea, or having a healthy snack (or unhealthy!) can be a hobby.
Take care
This is a hard one for me to comment on....Try being an empath in a setting where you can't always be yourself....luckily it hasn't changed me too much....my next question would be....people are going to think something about you regardless of how accurate it is....just keep doing youthe right people will come in to your life and stay. There is an overhead billboard in my neighborhood that is perfect for this.....it says simply.....stay true to you.....only person you have to impress is yourself
Thank you!I think that comment was perfect actually...
I think I'm still and always have been moving in the right direction. I appreciate the support!
Have a great day!
but the trick is getting away from caring what other people think....we want so much to have approval....but at what cost is it
I had things in place that helped me, but so much stuff went wrong all at once. People don't really listen, and I can get called childish because I don't take time for myself, and people get confused seeing tears from someone who acts so happy all the time!Thank you again, both replys did help

I am very good at putting on a fake smile....wear it almost daily.....it's like the side mirror on the passenger side of the car......the one that says...objects in this mirror are different than what they appear...as for having a lot of things happen at once....that's a slippery slope for me too....because i'm not very good at prioritizing....make a list.....put the things in order of importance.....and then work on them until you get them all "resolved" to the best of your ability...