Been living with generalized panic disorder for almost 20 years. Started with a severe panic attack while I was driving. Took months to get back to driving on my own again, after psychiatrists, therapists, medications. Still I have had trouble driving. I recently decided to change medications to see if it would help but so far I am struggling to get back to feeling "normal" again and driving my car which I have loved to drive. Hoping it starts to get better now as I am frustrated and looking for any new insights as to feel "comfort" while I drive.
I Panic when I drive: Been living with... - Anxiety and Depre...
I Panic when I drive
Welcome sunbaby71! I’m sorry you’ve been diagnosed with panic disorder. If you feel a panic attack coming on while you are driving it is necessary that you immediately safely pull over. I’ve had a panic attack but I couldn’t catch my breath, felt like I was dying and there is absolutely no way I could have driven like that. I don’t know if panic attacks can feel like anxiety attacks or not but I do know I do not want to experience that terror again. I feel for you.
Yes I have felt that way too, back in 2005 my panic attack landed me in the emergency room. Of course though nothing physically wrong with me. Just the panic. Thank God I have not felt the panic so severe since then but I do get the warning symptoms, tightness in the chest, sweating palms, tingling fingers, etc. and of course, I always do pull over and get out of the car in those instances.

sunbaby71, others have managed this condition so it is obvious that you can as well. I am so greatful that it only happened to me once or twice. Generalized anxiety disorder is trouble to manage but at least I don’t struggle like you do with a panic disorder. Hang in ther friend. You can get back on track. Do you speak with a therapist regularly? That might help shed some light on ways to cope.
Hi sunbaby71, it may have taken me years to find but I finally found that I had
the key the whole time. It was breathing. While driving, breathe in a full belly
breath and exhale slowly. It's the exhaling that will calm the adrenaline rush.
It's the exhaling that will lower your h/r, b/p and allow a calm to come over you.
The best thing about using breathing instead of a medication is that it keeps you
in full control of your faculties, keeping you alert and not drugged out.
I have found this helpful while in a big box store, at a railroad crossing or just
plain stuck in traffic. It doesn't cost anything and it's always with you.
It does take practice when you are at home but eventually can work anytime day
or night. Signing off for tonight. My meditation is waiting for me as I breathe
myself into a REM sleep. Goodnight dear xx