Hello all,
Does anyone have tips for coping with Panic disorder symptoms without medication?
And or does anyone have tips for managing a panic attack while driving and or out in public?
I trialed a few medications and they did not work well with my body (I had sensitivities that were severe).
I am mostly past the withdrawal from the medicines now, but I am struggling to go back into public places, leave home and drive my car. I was doing these in small amounts prior to trialing the medicine, and I know my brain needs to see me do it, I am just feeling so much fear and panic about doing things due to the medicines made panic attacks and disassociation feel much more intense then they did prior.
I decided not to try more medicine and to start talk therapy again, and I am wondering if anyone can relate to this feeling of extreme fear and wanting to break through it after withdrawal and without medication.
Please note, I know that medication is needed for and helpful for some, but I am choosing to not take any, for me.
Thank you!