Hi community. I return to rant some more because this is the only place I can safely vent UnU I will burst inside if I do not share my feelings and thoughts with someone, even if no one reads this. The only (real) close people to me are my mom, uncle, and two friends. I am a burden to all of them, I hate myself so much because I am certain that if I was not alive or by myself, they would have better lives.
I have been seeing someone these past few months. We met the first year of college. We do not study the same thing, but the first year here is just general stuff every career has to go through. I already know english (bad english hahaha but still), and I could pay 250 of our currency (like 10 USD) to approve all english courses. But... I didnt want to be a burden on my Mom with 30 dollars for the 3 courses, so I took the classes. We met in those classes, we were both 17 at the time. I can say that taking those courses was overall beneficial because I could meet her and now, 5 years later, me having 22 years and her having 22 turning 23, we met again. The circumstances of our meeting were so precise I sometimes get astounded at it (details are super long but if someone out there is interested you can ask me :). We already knew each other, so reconnecting was not hard at all. She is more extroverted, she looks super cute and most importantly she has a heart of gold. I like her a lot, and she feels the same. I had my first kiss some weeks ago (weird for a 22 year old to never have kiss someone but I was not attractive at all growing up and my emotional problems really gave me no chances to ever meet someone, although I prefer it that way honestly. Hooking up with people just for lust is something I think very low of. I prefer to connect with people on a more deep level, something more significant. But I digress.
The point is, I am having major insecurities right now. She says that I am super pretty and these past few years people have commented on it so I definitely had some sort of glow up even tho I still see myself as ugly. But she really likes how I look, how I act, my values, my way of approaching things, how considerate and kind I am to her, everything. But man, I feel like she gets disappointed with me sometimes. It is literally nothing, I have no evidence, but I dont know, I feel like a failure. I am afraid she will eventually come out of her infatuation and see me for the horror I really am, physically and personality wise. She is very very cute, various guys have hit on her in her carreer. I have this intense fear of abandonment and that I will lose everything I am getting attached to right now with her. And to make it all worse, she is graduating in september and I still have 3 years more of college (for some context, she studies business administration and I study medicine. Her carreer is 5 years and mine is 8 years). Obviously, my carreer being this long, it is natural that this would happen, and I am super proud of her because she has grown as a person and overcame a lot of obstacles to reach where she is right now. But still, I feel like when she graduates, my worth will be even less compared to her and there will be less reason to stick with me. Man, I fear abandonment a lot, I am very reserved when meeting new people and despite hanging out with a fair amount of people in university, I only consider 2 of them to be friends. I feel so alone. My mom is supportive of me, but I hate so much having to bother her so much. Of the 3 of us, I am the only one that thinks of her wellbeing. Help her around the house, buy her things when I can, being patient and calm with her, and so on (my brother is extremely passive, he does nothing for no one basically. My sister is outright abusive and rude, even has hit her in the past, and even when they are fine she fights over the smallest of things with her). This may sound stupid, but sometimes I even skip meals because I feel like I do not deserve to eat and that me not eating can help cut the costs of food my mom has. I do not want to be another problem in her life, she has already so much going on taking care of 3 people on her own. I feel trapped, I have nowhere to go.
I feel super toxic because, due to the fear of abandonment, I am extremely jealous of the people that I consider close to me. I obviously do not act out on the feeling, but the feeling is still there so I still feel resposible for it and bad for having it.
And worse of all, the girl I have been seen these months does not want a relationship just yet. She says we need to wait a little more, but my overanalyzing ass just thinks that she is not serious, she is just not that interested, she thinks the same thing about our careers since she is about to graduate, and so on. I gave her time, I want to be a supportive partner, someone who she doesnt feel pressure or uncomfortable with, but man I am a mess. I feel like I cant even tell her because it is super controlling I think, and I do not want her to think I am forcing her to accept anything or being controlling. But I just dont know man, I am a mess. The "hollow chest" sensation is starting to return, I am feeling hopeless and that I am not worth of anyones time. I cannot even study properly due to thinking this, I am a failure. I feel so alone in the world right now, like no one cares or wants to help me go through stuff. And right now I may have 5 supportive people in my life, but eventually I feel like I am going to be abandoned by everyone, and the feeling of loneliness that comes with this feeling is something else wow, it is so real and so heavy. It may be artificial loneliness, but I feel trapped, I cannot be the real me to people. People do not like depressed men, it is "pathetic" (in my case I guess it is pathetic, I prefer not to discuss it to people).
My classmates do not even remember the meltdown I had last year when we got together, it is clear as day that I am no one to them so I can not rely on them. I would like to go to therapy or to the psychiatrist or something, but again, I do not want to be a bigger burden on my mom with these stuff. I want to punch myself until I am calmed down, it is a cheaper solution. But it is such a short term solution that it is not effective.
Sorry for the loooooooooong rant, as I stated, I have no one I can rely on to share whatever is in my chest. Sorry if it comes across as desorganized or all over the place, I am just writing my heart out. And sorry for any english mistakes, if someone miraculously reads all of this.
Thanks to the community for the opportunity to share my heart with people who can understand, even if no one reads it haha