My mom is the source of my anger. My dad has been dead 20 years, I need to go to school in the medical field. My mom has double of that amount of money from my dad's property, but she won't give it to me. Even when I am sick. We agreed to sell the property and split amongst all children but she is still renting out units. There is no for sale sign on anything. In the name of peace, I take her word from it and not fight her because she is my mom. She knows that I am not doing well and only getting by, but wants to vacation in my house. She wants me to take care of her and treat her. I am angry because it does not make sense to me. I am about to hit menopause with no marriage no kids no job, and we are saving money somewhere for I do not know what. I have chronic sinusitis and depression which makes things harder. Having the money to pay for school would help. My dad worked really hard so that I can be successful. I don't know why my mom doesn't want me to be successful. We can sue her, but I don't want to do that
Angry, my mom is holding onto my inhe... - Anxiety and Depre...
Angry, my mom is holding onto my inheritance

How about a mediator instead of a lawyer? I’m sorry you are having to go through this and your mom isn’t helping.
Was the money left to you in your fathers will? If so you can hire a layer to get the money. However if it was left to your mother then you don’t have a claim to it. If there was no will then it will have gone to your mother if they were still married. If they were married then it was their joint money and surely she would need it to live on herself? I know it’s not easy struggling for money when you have depression, are you entitled to any benefits that might help, or can you apply for a scholarship to study?
My parents were not together when he died. They were never legally married and they had been separated since before I could spell my name. There is no will. There are two women. My mom and the other woman sued my dad's family to leave his estate in every capacity, and cited her kids as the reason. They won. We were minors. There was no will, but he named my brother on his property documents I believe as next if kin ( she has all of our documents). She has even signed for all of us on documents that required all of our signatures. They hired someone to manage the property and give each woman monthly payments based on the number of kids. none of us are minors anymore, but none of us get any money
The other woman doesn't hoard money or buy secret properties, she is open with her children, and three of them have a master's degree. My mom just keeps saying everything is hard, and pretends that nothing is going well with the company, but documents prove otherwise. Recently she told me that she can't help me out because she is too old to go out to work. She is not. I told her, I don't want your money, just my dad's