I have a question, my doctor has me on as of now 150mg WellbutrinXr and 300mg 3 times a day Gabapentin. Next month he’s going to introduce Buspar into the equation to help with my anxiety symptoms that so far nothing has helped (hydroxyzine, propananol,lexapro). Is anyone else on this combo of meds? Does it help you? What does Buspar feel like?
Wellbutrin, Gabapentin and Buspar? - Anxiety and Depre...
Wellbutrin, Gabapentin and Buspar?

Each person responds differently but Buspar has helped me with my anxiety. I also take Ativan as a prn if I need it. Buspar takes a couple weeks to build up in your system. Your doctor will probably start you on a low dose and increase as needed until it's a therapeutic dose for you. I'm not on any other antidepressants, became treatment resistant to them a few years ago. TMS worked for me.
Paxil and lexapro didn’t do a thing for me. I’m dosing down the lexapro and upping the Wellbutrin. He wants be to start Buspar next month. He also upped my gabapentin to 300mg three times a day. Nothing so far has helped my anxiety symptoms at all. What kind of anxiety do you have? Mine hits hard before any kind of social interaction. Then hits hard again during. Can’t stop sweating can’t think it gets extreme, before I go out it’s the same but panic comes into play, panicking over everything.
Gabapentin was in the end a no no for me. It affected my walking a lot. My recall in memory was a problem for me while I was Gabapentin. Check out acupuncture. It has helped me with anxiety and I am on No anxiety meds
I was prescribed gabapentin for anxiety, 400 mg x 3 times a day, now I'm down to 2x a day. For depression, I was prescribed Auvelity 2x a day, now I'm tapering off and down to 1 tablet every other day.
I first started with Lexapro which gave me really bad shaking immediately. Then we tried Celexa, which is similar but I had taken it before with no issues. Once the dose was increased, the Celexa gave me bad shaking, so they decreased the dose and added Buspar. My Dr said adding Buspar was a way to increase the effect of the Celexa without increasing the dose. Neither of those worked for anxiety, which was the only thing i thought i was dealing with at the time. Whenever the dose was increased, the shaking came back. So then I saw a psychiatrist who prescribed the gabapentin and it worked great so I was able to get off the Celexa, Buspar and Ativan (which was the only thing that was helping the anxiety but I was becoming resistant to it).
Once gabapentin controlled the anxiety, I realized that i also had depression and I tried Trintellix, which also caused shaking, before finally finding Auvelity. Finally i had a combination that worked! All this was triggered by cancer treatment and other stressful events leading up to it. I had terrible anxiety as soon as I woke up, for no apparent reason. Since you have social anxiety, have you tried seeing a therapist as well? Perhaps they can help you train yourself to gradually desensitize to social situations. Therapy In a Nutshell is an excellent YouTube channel that I recommend. She had a guest speaker that talked about a treatment plan for social anxiety that sounded great. I pray you find what works soon!
For me Buspar works, it seems to take the edge off the intensify of anxiety by blocking fear emotions that seem to be stuck on repeat. It is short lived in the blood so I take mine broken up throughout the day because if I take the whole tab at once as prescribed I definitely get a headache and feel sleepy but broken up throughout the day I do well and it carries me along all day and blocks my nightmares af night. A big part of what helps be control my anxiety is meditation, exercise and sleep along with not taking on so much as to not get overwhelmed. Once you fear anxiety symptoms less you will gain more control, we all get stuck here because we fear the symptoms so much ( because they are hell 🔥 ) but they ease up with ĺearning how to live with anxiety.
Me and my doctor are still trying to find a combo that works. We upped the Wellbutrin to 150mg from Sr to Xr while dosing down lexapro. So I’m waiting to see if it works. I believe I felt a tiny bit of improvement with my mood so we will stay with the Wellbutrin and keep going up. I’m starting Buspar next month after trying propanol 40mg and hydroxizine 100mg both as needed. Neither worked by themselves or together, the physical symptoms were exactly the same and extreme. So I’m hoping the Buspar works for the longtime but I definitely need something for the immediate times. Idk what works. Maybe adding in a fast acting light Benzodiazepine would help. It’s not fun being covered in sweat head to toe with brain fog and heart racing, worrying and panicking about everything.
Hello, I take 300 MG of Wellbutrin and 400MG of Zoloft. That seems to have helped me. But everyone responds differently. I wish you the best in finding what works for you.