I’m moving into an apartment with my boyfriend the end of August. I’m excited but I also am feeling sad and anxious. I’m stressed about packing but also sad to leave my apartment. This was my first apartment. After graduating college I moved out on my own an hour away from my family and paid for it all by myself while starting a new job. I’ve been here for the past four years. It’s hard to say goodbye. I am continuing to work at the school I’m at, but now my commute will be around 50 minutes. I know that’s long but my boyfriend teaches at a school on the other side of the state, so the location of our apartment was in the middle. The commute is stressing me a bit. I also know my boyfriend wants to move in with my otherwise he would’ve said no but he’s expressed he’s a little sad to leave his home and his mom by herself. I feel like his mom isn’t supportive. His other two siblings have already moved. She thinks the commute is a bad idea (although my boyfriend’s commute isn’t changing much) and thinks the apartment is expensive (it was around the same price as all others I looked at). I’m also just nervous because it’s our first time living together. I’ve just felt really sad and anxious this week.
moving: I’m moving into an apartment... - Anxiety and Depre...

Hi Daisy425 It sounds a little like "prewedding jitters". You're taking a big step and I think your feelings make sense. But try not to let these "jitters" spiral into a hurricane. I see from your sharing that you are strong and independent, and you can take care of yourself. It's clear You have the makings of a good partner. Be with your grief, about leaving your sweet apartment behind, and you will be honoring your past in a healthy way. 🥰
Sounds about right. It's a big step to love together. After dating, then making the let's live together is the next step and a big one.
This will be a challenge for both of you. Because now it's both of you trying to find a way to both coexist with each other idiosyncrasies and still be individuals. Not easy and it takes work. But I believe you can do it.
Yes it's understandable going to miss your old place. A lot of great memories were created there and a proud achievement for you personally. Of course him moving out from his mom's place and she'll now be by herself. It's understandable that he'll worry. And miss her as well.
50mins is a commute for sure. But it's not too bad. My friend was traveling back and forth on the weekend to be with her husband when they moved. But she's a teacher like your boyfriend and wanted to finish out the school year. So she stayed behind and her husband moved into the new house. Every Friday she'll pack up her stuff and right after work, hit the road for the next 2 hours until getting to the house. Stay the weekend and leave Sunday evening to be back at work Monday morning.
You'll do great. See it as a new exciting adventure instead of worries. In fact tell yourself "This isn't worries, this is excitement!" You 2 get to pick out stuff together and sleep in the same bed. No more going to whoever's place. You 2 will be under 1 roof.
Wishing you happiness and peace 🫂 ❤️ hopefully you'll have quiet neighbors 😂
Thank you so very much for this response. It provided me a lot of peace and comfort. I think I’m being a little too hard on myself. I’m upset thsg I’m feeling mixed emotions about moving, and then reading too much into it. It’s a big step and it’s okay to feel those feelings