I’m in a relationship with someone who has severe anxiety. When I say severe anxiety I mean debilitating at times. I’m not unfamiliar with anxiety as I have it as well. I spent a year in therapy, before I met my boyfriend, cooing and dealing with my own anxiety. So, now I don’t struggle much although I do still have my days.
My boyfriend self-medicates. He drinks...a lot. He’s not abusive or mean by any means. But I worry about his health and what it’s doing to his body. He’s aware that he drinks too much. He’s got a lot of work stress.
My own struggle with his struggle is that it’s lonely. We live an hour apart right now and the distance plays a role in his lack of motivation to see each other. I do work up where he lives but I also have 2 kids. Work, especially right now, has him so locked up that sometimes it’s hard to get any communication out of him. He’s started a new anxiety medicine this week. I’m not sure what it is. He’s struggling. I’m struggling. I just want to see this through and us to work out.