Hi all,
10 weeks ago I had a heart attack and had 3 stents placed. It was all successful and I left the hospital with lots of medication that took time to get used to.
My cardiac rehab was delayed and I rested for 6 weeks at home and anxiety really kicked in. I didn’t feel confident and I really pulled back from socialising, leaving my bedroom and it became so bad I could no longer leave the house at all.
I finally had my cardio rehab and this was really informative and the nurse really made me feel a lot better. I was told I didn’t need to return and that I just need to start getting outside and walking.
I’m only 42. This was a shock for me to deal with. Heart attacks do run in our family but never at this age. I worked all the time and travelled a lot for work. Never ate correctly or at the right time and normally never healthy. My work was also very stressful and I just kept pushing and hardly took down time to rest or look after myself.
Moving forward I finally had my cardiologist appointment and he thinks everything is going well. I have told him I continue to get pain in my chest on the left side. It’s always in a similar spot and can be sharp or last all day. The ER thought it may have been Angina but my cardiologist didn’t think that was really what was going on and took me off the Duride.
All my hopes were laying on my stress echocardiogram test. This would be the first time a professional looked inside at my hearts function after exercise and see the blood flow. I was anxious but I passed. So much relief !!!!!!!
But my pain is still there I really just wanted to reach out to see if anyone out there that may be in the same situation feels pain. Is it anxiety ? is it my stents settling ? Is it all of the above ?
Are there other tests I should do to really make sure ?
I will be starting anxiety medication this week but Codine/ Panadol and Valium seems to ease my pain but I just hope it’s not masking something that could be more serious.
All my tests are clear. Blood, ECG and X-ray plus the stress test now not being an issue I’m still kinda just left wandering what that pain is now.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Shayne from Australia