Does anyone else here,deal w daily chronic pain and fatigue w high anxiety, I been trying to deal w chronic pain since I'm like 32 yrs old,I have osteoarthritis and very bad connective tissue problems,I suffer w bipolar depression w high anxiety,I had to move to south florida to care for elderly mom after my brother took his life, it's been real rough journey, I was on klonopin which helped greatly and had my pain better managed,south florida has terrible drug problems so my meds where taken away,which has left me struggling greatly daily.. wondering if anyone has bad pain. W anxiety..pls reach out...happy safe holidays to all..
Chronic pain and anxiety: Does anyone... - Anxiety and Depre...
Chronic pain and anxiety

I can certainly relate. I turned 60 this year and have had increased arthritis pain the last several years. Ibuprofen always worked wonders but I can no longer take it as I was diagnosed with high blood pressure a year ago and put on meds. My husband and I have a hot tub which helps with our aches and pains but can’t sit in it every day. Heating pads help too. I’ve been through a lot this year myself so yes, I understand. Hang in there and try to take things day by day.
Yes, painful arthritis. Four naprosyn a day gave me my life back about 10 years ago. Lyrica and gabapentin which are used for pain can also help anxiety.
Try Bayer back and body,keep 2 pills next to bed n take in Am before rising,best otc medication me n my mom use,tried them all...I can't take gabapentin too many side-effects for me..
Hi to you. I also have osteoarthritis in my legs. One knee is very painful but l can only have Paracetamol or Co-cadomol (if pain gets very bad). I have to have Warfarin blood thinner so limited in pain relief. I would try different pain killers. My mum only got relief from Anadin Extra. They also told me to rub my joints with Deep Heat rub. Don’t know what you have in the US. Pain is so debilitating and contributes to making you depressed because it is constant and takes over your life. Go speak with a doctor if you can and get some help. We have pain management here in UK. I envy you your Mum. I wish l still had mine so although life is hard for you right now you have someone who loves you and your time together is priceless. Jesus loves you too and l turn to Him when l feel really bad. I hope that your life will get better. Things never stay the same and the one thing you can rely on is change. I hope yours will be a change for the better. Keep strong my friend and Happy Christmas and happier days to come. The best is yet to come ok?
Yes,I find w chronic pain comes depression,as I was very active,now I'm over 200lbs and can't take long durations pain ruined,plus I know it's anxiety creater as well...I hope you can have relief from your pain,I know it's cold and damp over there this time year...wishing you best of holidays care
Bless you. Yes, you are at least nice and warm where you are all those miles away. I was very active too. Me and my dog Rubie walked miles across fields, and meadows and they were great times. Now l hobble about, but thankful not wheelchair bound. When you look at others you sometimes think “Thank God l can still hobble.” You take care and keep smiling through. Take each day as it comes. We are not alone in our struggles. Life sometimes puts us in a dark horrible place and its a fight, but we can win ok? God bless.
Pitalife, Chronic body pain does go hand in hand with chronic anxiety. The
Mind/Body Connection is so intertwined that unless the mind is in a state of
peace and calm, the body reacts with symptoms.
It's about lifestyle as well as our genes as to what we may suffer with. The best
we can do is to find ways in controlling or alleviating our pain through different methods
besides pain killers.
I have found Acupuncture and Reiki have helped at the beginning. Of course as you get
older, nature's pains can settle in. Water therapy is another soothing and non invasive
tool for chronic pain.
Now a days, I use my mind in controlling my daily Fibromyalgia chronic pain. I understand
the disorder. I know when and where to draw the line on what may prompt pain. I didn't
loose my life over Fibro, it just changed me somewhat.
Each day, I am grateful for my life. We're here for a reason and until that reason is
no longer needed, I will venture out each day because Life is Amazing. xx
Thank you so much for commending caregivers. It’s rewarding work but very difficult as well. I hope you feel better soon.
Thnx downy,hope your holiday seasons a nice one,us caregivers don't get to rewarding holidays but I'm committed n doing my best,I ask God for strength and's key....gob bless...
Awww Pitalife so sorry you’re dealing with this. I know you’ve mentioned it before with the klonopin suspension. I don’t understand the way drugs are being addressed now, especially with those who’ve taken it for years and done well. It’s ridiculous. Is there anything else that does help you? Any arthirits meds? My relative has a lot of chronic panic when anxiety is higher. I notice I do too or random inflammation with exercise if anxiety is higher. Try a heat pad. Doing ice and then heat pads. Also yoga stretches seem to help. Hang in there.
So sorry for what you are going through. Yes, I've had terrible pain all over my body in the past. It was so intense that it prevented me from doing a lot of things. I was not on any med. It's greatly improved now. Hope you get better.
I have Chrons, fibromyalgia, degenerative disk disease, red marrow reconversion, and a few other things. I have been in chronic pain since 12. I'm 46 now. It has destroyed my mental health.