Does anyone ever have weird numb chest, back of the neck and mild heart pain on the left side of the chest? It doesn’t go away for hours and hours. Sometimes the pain is numbing and goes to left hand. Does anyone experience similar pain? Got checked with cardiologist in mid July this year but still worries about my heart since I have severe panic attacks and anxiety. Thanks
Weird numbing and pain from severe pa... - Anxiety and Depre...
Weird numbing and pain from severe panic attack

Hi, when i have a severe panic attack my hands go numb and get really tight to the point that they close up and i cant open them. When the episode is over, my hands start to relax and get feeling back. I usually have to take deep slow breaths and do self talk tp try and calm down. It takes a while but eventually it subsides. At the moment it feels like in going to have a heart attack, so i know how scary that can be. I am here if you need someone to talk to.
Awww thank you. It’s 2:29 am and I can’t fall asleep from this weird pain. Makes me feel scared to sleep
What kind of distractions might you have at home? Or maybe you can listen to a funny podcast. What kind of stuff are you into?
Yeah I’m watching a funny tv series now trying to chill and hoping to fell asleep
Thats a great idea. Feel free to message if you feel it coming on again. Im watching tuca and birdie on netflix. Its pretty funny
Thank you! You as well. You can say I’m a pro at this lol. Living like that 3 years now thinking to finally go on meds, at times it gets unbearable
Im on the same boat
Really? What’s your story?
I have body dysmorphic disorder along with other stuff like depression and anxiety in general, but the BDD is whats been spiraling. My triggers have been making me act out in ways that im just not sure why my boyfriend hasnt left. Feeling like i want to completely isolate and its affecting my relationship with him and family. Its become way severe in just the last few months to the point that social media and even movies trigger me which is just ridiculius. I know im irrational because of the BDD but i cant seem to get out of this funk and i keep self sabotaging and my head takes me to a really dark place. So i know its time for a change especially after the last episode i had. Its like i know im going to end up alone if i dont get help.
I’m very sorry to hear that. I so feel you ! I have a hope in heart we will get better 🙌Yeah my situation very similar. Only my bf left me and he was all I had. It’s been almost 7 month now and I’m still not over him but it’s definitely better than before ( sleepless nights crying over spilled milk)I was so caught up battling anxiety and mood swings and depression no wonder why he left. I’ve been prescribed meds like 2 years ago and was reading a lot about it online and always was firm on a no. But past months I’ve been so many times in the er that I think it’s a time to change my mind. Have you been on meds?
Shit, im so sorry. What a dick. Thats what im afraid of. I guess if he couldnt stick around for the hard times it says a lot about him. Still im sorry to hear you have had to go through all this. Yes ive been on meds but gave them up a long time ago. Im starting to think its time to get back on because i feel like im starting to go backwards. Can i ask why youve been to ER?
Yeah, I’m just trying to forgive him and let him go. I guess he didn’t want to go through hard times together. He was very handsome and successful, I guess he wanted a better fit for him. What meds were you on? I’ve been in er because I’d have extremely high heart rate in 160-190 just by walking and high blood pressure, it’s all uncontrollable.
Oh thats so scary! Im glad youre ok. So this is brought on by anxiety? Just zoloft and xanax. They didnt help at the time. But a lot has changed since. I wonder if id be perscribed something better. I havent been consistant with therapy so i should probably try harder.
Yes everything was brought from stress and severe anxiety and worry. Really? No affect at all from meds? No side effects? I was prescribed the same ones too. But was so afraid to take Xanax. Yes I’m planning to get the therapy today
I just felt like a zombie on zoloft. Xanax feels nice its just that they didnt exactly help me. I think some meds combined with therapy will be better. I guess i dont want to depend on a pill to help me cope. I just want to be happy and to learn to love myself. Pills wont do that for me and but everyone is different!