Love is nothing like in the movies. Relationship are complex and I've learned that. I'm convinced the main source of failure in relationships is the lack of understanding. So many people imagine relationships as "I love you, you love me". But its not even remotely close to that. Attraction and love are separate. Love forms when you understand the person's problem likewise with your's. Than its up to that person to fix what ever problem that hurts the other person. Than it needs reciprocation. It bothers me because im certain that the red flags people talk about in relationships are not red flags, but just us as humans. Instinct and emotional memory, behavior and general responses. I never knew were controlled so severely by bad experience. Trauma and loss controlled me for 22 years. I finally got a regular friends get together. My relationship with my wife also has been at its best in years. She's had a lot of problems, but what I went through made her feel like she couldn't talk to me. But ever since she has opened up more. I have gained a new respect for her in ways I can't describe.
Everyone who reads this. Take care of yourself. But don't forget others in your relationships. They might have things store away they have never told anyone that bothers them. 💖