I have read a lot of people stories and mine comes no where near everyone else’s but I am severely depressed after the love of my life and I separated, our relationship was very toxic but I loved her so much regardless. She has moved on and I feel as if I have been used, I gave her everything I physically owned and financially I am a couple hundred off of zero, yet I still apply for loans in hopes she will love me again if I buy her designer. My story has a lot more but u spend more than 5 years with this person and I can’t get her out of my head, I feel like I’m going crazy. I resort to writing poems about her in hopes she will like me again (she’s a hopeless romantic and likes that stuff) but yeah that’s a part of my story. Friend anyone ? LOL
If Anyone needs a friend, I’m here. - Anxiety and Depre...
If Anyone needs a friend, I’m here.

After reading I realize everyone’s situation are so much more important than mine. Please focus on them and I hope everyone has a great day!
Your story is just as important as anyone else's. Do you have a bulldog? I also do, and I love the breed, although they do take a good amount of medical care. As to your depression, you need therapy and antidepressants. The easy advice is to try to forget her and get involved in other activities. This may be very difficult for you to do without the help of a psychiatrist.
Yes I have 2 bulldogs, I raised there mother since she was a puppy. They are 6 years old now; they are nearing that time so given my situation and me worrying about them it doesn’t help. But i love them so much. Are anti depressants expensive? I am a college student so money is tight and if I’m being honest all of my money has been spent on her, in hopes she’d love me.
This is site to help and listen to everyone .I am much older than you and I once met someone 20 years ago.I was dumped and in a way this taught me if someone really cares for you they will come back in their own time.
If the love of your life returns back, this is because she is meant for you and time will tell.
It will take patience and time to recover from the Love of your life and in time you may meet someone who treats you with love which is reciprocal and kind .
If someone really loves you , it is based with compassion and mutual respect.
How we love ourselves is a reflection of those who we meet.
Thank you. This helped me, I find myself alone most of the time which is ironic because I play for a college soccer team and I’m around them 6 out of the 7 days of the week. I just am struggling so hard because I felt the time we spent together meant so much more to me than giving up so easily. It was mentally draining at times but I never would give up. I can’t focus on school and keep taking out loans so I can buy her things. I feel like I’m going crazy.
Hi, Don't be like me and buy anything for anyone. You're setting yourself up to be used. It dawned on me recently how pathetic and desperate I must have appeared, and all I did was drive away the very people I most wanted in my life. If someone wants to be with you, they'll be with you. Giving them things just tips them off as to how desperate you are, and they;ll wonder what is wrong with this person that they have to buy people off. Sorry to sound like a know-it-all, but it's a lesson hard learned for me. I'd rather be alone than be used.