Hi I have this problem feeling like I’m not good enough, I’m not pretty enough, and that I’m never gonna be worth anything... I have this issue in my relationship I can’t get over. I’m jealous of my boyfriends girl best friend, and he’s never givin me a reason to not trust him.. I’ve talked to him about it and he understands where I’m coming from... however when we are in groups hanging out he will accidentally call me by her name every time.... he says he doesn’t mean to do it and explains how he’s been her friend for 8 years and he’s only been with me 8 months.... but it still hurts... and sometimes I feel like when we all hang together he has more fun with her... may not be true but I’m not sure anymore.... he says he loves me and doesn’t want to ruin the relationship we have... but I always worry he’ll end up liking her instead and that kills me... ps she’s nice to me all the time, and he said he’s had plenty of opportunities to date her and never did because he only ever saw her as a friend...so is this just all in my head or do I have a reason to worry?
Any advice please?