I have suffered from anxiety and depression for many years/decades. I have been diagnosed with BPD, PTSD, and I can strongly identify with ADHD. The past few years have been pretty bad. It seems I’ve been black listed by medical professionals. The very people who are supposed to be there to help me are now making judgement on me and pushing me away. wtf? I have had bad experiences with doctors, nurses, and even dentists. And when I spoke with the administator in patient care she didn’t sound at all she cared. And when I told her that the doctor refused to look at my test results and said - "… ultrasounds are stupid! Nobody reads those things anymore!”, She said… “uh-huh… so what seems to be the problem?” !!!!!!!
I’m not sure what the deal is with the world today but it feels like covid lockdown has taken us from bad to worse. I feel more alone now than I ever have before. I find it way more challenging to feel safe when I go out… and it feels a lot less secure when I stay home. There just seems to be a lot more anger and hate in the world today. It’s sad, because I thought the world would end up being a better place to live after covid. I don’t know….
Anyway… right when you think it can’t get any worse…………… My wife and I split up last week because of the stress my fear and anxiety causes her.
So... here I am on agoraphobian house arrest. More afraid of the world than I ever have been… more alone than I have ever felt… and more in need of a friend than I ever thought I would be.
Thanks for reading