Putting a smile in that title feels odd.
Depression and anxiety have been with me for a few years... 5 maybe? I have had both depression and anxiety for longer than I know. I have memories of being at amusement parks and feeling tired, alone, awkward, uncomfortable. At school I would have fits of crying that I could not control. At gatherings with friends I felt like I wasn’t there. These feelings were intense and didn’t have much of a reason. Only recently have I become aware that these feelings aren’t normal (for long periods of time and without reason) and are not okay.
I’ve been receiving real treatment for only about two months now... therapy, group sessions, meds... that kind of stuff. It took about two months to get the help I needed simply because I was afraid and it ofcourse takes time to set-up doctors appointments and such.
I’ve learned a lot in this little amount of time. And I really do mean a lot. However what I’m learning is really, really hard to actually do. But it’s a process... I’ll get there. Eventually.
Oh, and I’m here on this website because I’m moving once again and I’ll need some support for while I begin to get used to the new area.
If ya read this, thanks.