This is an experience I have had recently. My sister was housesitting for one of her friends and invited me to come stay. I am not currently employed so I got to stay with her for the week. It was fun, and I got to see some individuals but for group stuff that was towards the end of the week I couldn't attend because of my stomach issues.
First of all, I did have a good time but it was very muted. I feel emotionally fatigued so even when I do like something I don't really feel it all the way. This is unfortunate. But I was able to see a loved one and spend time with her so that is good.
But on the way back I started crying. I missed her even though we just spent a whole week together. The emotion in some sense was good because I was able to express this to her and we agree we want to spend more time together. But also, I was way more sad that it was over than happy it happened. I had a very hard time feeling happy that we spent the time together and my mind was just consumed by the fact that it was over now. I started having thoughts of maybe that I didn't take enough advantage of the time there. Or that because I was dealing with depressive symptoms and emotional fatigue that I had wasted time with my sister. My mom was telling me to focus on the happiness I had that I spent time there and not the sadness. But also, it wasn't something I was choosing. The emotion consumed my whole mind. I could acknowledge objectively that I had a good time but I wasn't able to make myself FEEL it. And my mom saying that made me think that perhaps more "healthy" people CAN choose their emotions? Is it possible? If so, how?
Has anyone experienced this? After something fun is over just this draining feeling? Has anyone ever been able to successfully cope with it?