My sister and I live very different lives. Different views on religion, politics, how we spend money, who we make friends with… you get the picture.
My last deep depression she was so supportive. This time, I shut myself away (like I normally do) and she would randomly check on me. I would tell her things are not good, haven’t been good since January but we are trying to find a way through.
I finally got up the nerve to talk to her and tell her everything that is going on and she brushed me off. This week I texted her again and asked if we could please talk. She was busy. I texted her now and asked if we could talk about all that has been going on as well as some concerns I have for our parents. She said she was busy getting her car washed and maybe we could talk next week.
I have been working up to this conversation and am really disappointed that we couldn’t talk. I know it sounds dumb but we have a complicated relationship and I now that I feel better mentally I can handle questions about what has been going on. The problem could be my mom told my nephew (sister’s son) about our situation and so she very well may know all about it which I mentioned.
I feel like I am whining but it hurts to be brushed off. I tried during my depression to make it clear I was going through things mentally and not avoiding her but I feel like this is petty pay back.
This is why I confide is very few people. Even family can just sweep you aside for a vacation or a car wash. 😕
Just having a rough go today. This really brought me down. Thanks for letting me vent.