Good morning/ afternoon.I am am so stressed. I was out of work for about 3 1/2 months . I was having a serious issues with breathing and Asthma. Before that I worked two jobs had a savings and financial doing good. Now I have been back to work for about a month and the Some of the breathing issues are coming back. This is really making me very anxious and depressed. Also I will be financial drained with the savings I have spent while I was originally out. Since I am back to work. I am currently working part time hours and only every other day. So I am still using savings. My savings will be drained in a month or two. And I fear that because I am having issues with my breathing with this modified scheduled if I go back full time. The breathing issues will be worst. I am losing sleep and crying over this issues. I know can't financially survive if I have to stop working. I just want to give up. No one knows how this is affecting me. I am so good at putting a brace face and letting people think I am good. But this is really causing me to get more and more depressed. I definitely don't want to be my kids burden or anyone else. Not even sure is this is the right forum for this but I had to tell someone or I feel like I can't take and I don't trust anyone really. I don't think they understand
Stressed: Good morning/ afternoon.I am... - Anxiety and Depre...

I'm so sorry you're going through this situation. I've had problems working with anxiety and depression and I have trouble with my financial stability too so I understand how you're feeling.
Do you take medication for asthma? Have you talked to your doctor about the anxiety?
Shortness of breath is a symptom of anxiety and maybe it's making your asthma harder to manage.
Maybe you can get some temporary medication for your anxiety until you are more financially stable, and that will help your breathing so you can feel better at work.
Before the breathing issues I hadn't had a issue with Asthma in about 7-8 years. Then all of a sudden it struck me down. Currently I do take medication. Do I believe it is under control. No where near. My anxiety is getting worse my fear of going back and struggling to pay my bills is probably out of control and causing issues with Asthma. My psychiatrist really doesn't want to increase medications and it is mostly my fault because I with hold how I feel. I have a fear of medication keeping me from doing my professional job. I must have a clear my to take care of my patients. No
I know it's scary to mess with your medication. But with all the stress, fear and asthma, it must be hard to have a clear head. Sometimes just tweaking your meds a little goes a long way. Please don't think that I'm pushing meds. I'm not a big fan and I'm scared to mess with them but the alternative for me is unbearable. If you truly trust your doctor, be honest and open with him/her and just have a conversation and you can make your own decision.Sending you love and healing wishes.
I’m so sorry you R going thru this. I work 7 days a week and I’m under extreme financial stress and will probably need to move. My anxiety is high. I take a Benzodiazepine Klonopin almost 1 MG b4 I go to sleep and take a pinch b4 I go to work. It is not advisable to take whole dosage b4 driving. So I take just enough to take the edge off. Also maybe try meditation and breathing exercises if possible. I’m here 4 U.
M 😎💪
This group has been so good since I always feel so isolated and alone.
That sounds very hard. Just wondering if there is some kind of work you can do from home that would be less stressful to supplement your income. Also, can you get disability from the asthma issues? Not trying to add more things to your to-do list, just throwing ideas out there. Sending lots of hugs and support your way.
So sorry you are going through a difficult time. It's always depressing when you can't do what you used to do. I suggest you go back to your doctor for further evaluation. I wish you quick recovery 🙏