trolls, misinformation, misguidance e... - Anxiety and Depre...

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trolls, misinformation, misguidance etc....

mizzou7016 profile image
61 Replies

*steps upon soapbox*

I've been silent on this topic long enough...I am not an expert by any stretch of the imagination....but I've been through a lot in my 53 years of life and 26 years "in prison"...I don't offer anything other than advice/Ideas that have worked for me or that I'm in the process of working on to see if they work...I will never intentionally misguide, mislead, or misinform someone....if you feel that way about my posts then i sincerely is never my intention....that being said....If you intentionally try to misguide, mislead, or misinform someone for your entertainment.....shame on you.....I will respect everyone that is respectful to me...however I will also speak my mind when it comes to bullying or trolling......this is why a lot of people are silent about their mental health's hard enough to get people to take us serious as it is....let alone when we feel belittled

(steps down from soapbox)

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mizzou7016 profile image
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61 Replies
kenster1 profile image

your all good mizou7016 my biggest hate here is seeing lies spewed out by people passing off as genuine fooling members only to be found out further down the line yes it`s happened to me in the past seen other members trolled threatened harassed whatever not just here but another platform I use also.

in reply to kenster1

Hi ken mizzou I'll 2nd what ken says and certainly no problem with you 🤗

mizzou7016 profile image
mizzou7016 in reply to kenster1

unfortunately manipulation has become mainstream and people find it easier to lie than to just tell the truth....what upsets me is that when people continuously do it just to deal with the response..I have learned a long time ago to not ask a question that I don't already know the answer to...I've also been on the receiving end of trolls lately.....but they usually go away when confronted....or change their name again....have never had an issue with you either....

kenster1 profile image
kenster1 in reply to mizzou7016

sorry to hear that you`ve been a victim of trolling most never go unless they have been reported but yes they do come back sadly some numerous times per week. always be careful of users your not sure about more so in messaging if something doesn`t feel right then it usually isn`t. take care.

Dolphin14 profile image

Mizzou 🐢

There is nothing wrong with your posts!

I'm sorry you've had to deal with trolls. Sadly it's happened to a lot of us.


Downinil profile image

Hi Mizzou, Personally speaking, I enjoy your posts. Please don’t let the trolls stop you from posting wise words.

mizzou7016 profile image
mizzou7016 in reply to Downinil

I plan to be here for a long time.....either seeking help when I need it or giving help to those who need it when I don't...I just want people to understand that although my opinion and ideas on a topic might be different than someone else's....I'm giving my take on a situation with the best of intentions...I know my mind wouldn't allow me to make fun of someone else's struggle...

Mrspjsmom profile image

I'm sorry you've had to deal with trolls. I truly wish we could get rid of them once and for all. Sadly that wish is unrealistic. But if you have a question or something to offer please do. Trolls come and go. But the people who are here for help and understanding stick around. We do the best we can to hold each other up during rough times. That is the purpose of this group and despite many challenges we manage to do a fairly good job.

in reply to Mrspjsmom

Yes unfortunately in life there's always going to be good and bad people wherever we go, you'd think on a health site it would be safe with understanding people, unlike social media sites like face book etc which I don't go on too many stories of bullying, but I guess this been a health site the baddies or trolls see it as a target for vulnerable people,and there are quite a few of us on here that keep a look out daily for them, as you know I've left many times for various reasons trolls been one, been over sensitive and sometimes not always feeling strong and at times feel a bit fragile, which I know you'll understand, but I keep coming back for the nice friends I have made on here you for one and of course mizzou, and to support the rest of the good people on here,when I feel I can, posting regular can put you in the fireing line somewhat as we become well known and spotted by whoever is reading, and so it can attract critism as we can't please everyone, but as so many have told me the majority like me and my posts, I'm sure ill continue I faced my fear yesterday as it was a friend's birthday and of course I'm sure the full moon in my sine Leo gave me the strength to as it did indicate on the astro reading to hold my own and be me,stand my ground and this influence effects everyone too , i saw the sunrise this morning was tempted to post but decided not to, the photo wasn't that great, in the past many times I've thought I'm not posting anymore but I needed to share a inspiration photo id taken, as with various enlightenment posts i have done and educational ones like mizzou, we all kind of have our roles on here, we love your pet posts always bring a bit of cheer, and I know most love my pixiebob posts, so onwards and upwards so to speak, let's foccus on the good and the positive side of HU as it is overall a great much needed site I'll post my pic to you and anyone reading on here 🤗💛✨🐝🌈🌟🌝moon still big tonight ill post if see it im sure 😁hope you do too

Mrspjsmom profile image
Mrspjsmom in reply to

It rained a good part of the day yesterday and all night. I didn't actually see the moon but I could sense it. Thanks for sharing your photo.

in reply to Mrspjsmom

I looked out and sensed it I felt uplifted just looking out at the night sky and said my inward prayer,i'm optimistic I'll see it tonight it's blue sky here I'll think of when see it 🙏🌝

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply to

That's lovely, Twinkly.

in reply to MaggieSylvie

Hi Maggie I just saw the big wolf moon it's massive what a sight have look out I'm going to meditate at it later when it goes round the back view 😁🤗

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply to

You are so cool; I am still doing, doing, doing!

in reply to MaggieSylvie

My soaps are on now have a peaceful night 💛✨🍯🐝🌹

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply to

I'm watching too, with my laptop on my lap. fa la la, fa la la

in reply to MaggieSylvie

Keep warm pixie sends a hug 😹🔥

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply to

I would hug Pixie if I could; I've had a dreadful few days. It's a wonder I have any confidence at all. Have a peaceful night.❤️

in reply to MaggieSylvie

I'm sorry to here that try looking out at the moon it will help say a little prayer it will just take you away from things for a while looking out there it's so big 🙏🌈💖

On the left
MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply to

It's not so big from here and it's quite high in the sky. We have had a beautiful blue sky all day today and I had a lovely drive through the country roads to Sudbury for my blood test, and drop of clothes for PDSA and drive home, all during daylight. It was a lovely bit of time out. Oh, and while I was in Sudbury, I went into a beautician's to see about getting my eyebrows tamed. I thought it was a good time to do something for myself. I would have done it today but had to go through that patch test thing.

in reply to MaggieSylvie

Tamed I had thick ones I had a Lazer treatment thing to kill the hairs many years ago now I cut them I just give them a trim if see any whites lol Corrie now 😁

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply to

Mine are coarse, some white, some dark, and they are sparse and they stop short! So it's not like Rowan Atkinson; I really feel I could do with some good treatment and advice. I do sometimes trim them myself but I think that may be why they are so coarse. We've got a flood in the conservatory, which is where the moon can be seen from. I'll get down do clearing it tomorrow but it's just not comfortable to step into right now and I don't want to go into the bedroom because John is sleeping. No Corrie, so I'm watching Chanel 4.

in reply to MaggieSylvie

Yes just seen footballs on I'm waiting for Emmerdale repeat🙄yes the floods getting you down you'll feel better when it's done, helped mam sort her house today clean and tidy looks great still more declutter to do 🙄I think it breeds lol 😂

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply to

It does seem to breed. I have to try and start another bag for charity again, as I have bought quite a few new sweaters and need to be able to put them away! I've been doing a blood test today so there wasn't enough daylight for me to do any more cleaning than I already did. I won't feel much better when it's done because the conservatory is not a place you can sit; it's crammed with all sorts of c...p. And ... I'm sick of having to do it. At least we managed to get keys for lifting the manhole cover, cos it's always a problem with the pump. Then I got his lord ship's pain killlers (that I was supposed to have known about since 18 Jan) and so the source of the problem is cured. He is in bed and I hope there's an end to this awful abuse tomorrow, though I'm not going to make it easy for him.🙃

in reply to MaggieSylvie

Good for you, keep him locked in the bedroom out your way 😂I sometimes lock pixie in another room.

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply to


in reply to MaggieSylvie

He's good at moment he's asleep,did you see my edited but about pixie 😹only time I get any piece at least I can throw him out unlike a husband, no wonder most have man caves now they call them 🙄😁

mizzou7016 profile image
mizzou7016 in reply to

you can throw out a husband....but in the long run it's usually cheaper to keep them around....was that way for me....was

in reply to mizzou7016

I'm.a sad but happy old spinster no more husbands for me 😁hope you see the moon it's wonderful tonight I can't wait for later 🌝

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply to

Sad? Old? No. But while your mum is still around you only have time for a cat!

in reply to MaggieSylvie

I'm.on a date site but I can't be bothered yet I'll see in summer, my mam doesn't need me full time I can still do my own thing 😊

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply to

Oh no, I know you're able to do your own thing. I get you not wanting to be bothered at the moment but if I were single again, I might be open to it, as I am so lonely as it is.

in reply to MaggieSylvie

I'm not really lonely as I see mam every day and pixie is so needy but I'll be all alone when they die ☹️saw the moon it's nearly in view can't wait 😁

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply to

The sun and the moon are probably the only things that are permanent - for now.

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply to

I don't know whether I saw it or not. If you edited it, I probably saw that version. I'm supposed to be taking mine to a theoretical man cave tomorrow morning, but I've overheard a bit of a phone call and I'm not sure how much time I'll get to come home and de-flood the place. It's not far, so perhaps I'll manage it.

in reply to

Lovely to see the moon tonight, it's a beautiful clear sky. Normally it's too cloudy or rainy.

in reply to

Hello there yes it's magnificent I'll try get some good pics later when it moves round, footballs on no Corrie 😭just watching Emmerdale on repeat 💖💛🌟🌝

Vonus5591 profile image

I have in past dealt with people like that - administers shut down post and reply were stopped but also in life misguided by some people. Yes, they took advantage of situations. Some people can be so bade seems unreal but true

SayNOtoPanic profile image

mizzou you’re great. As are your posts. Proud of you for speaking up for yourself and standing your ground. 🙏🏻

EarthSitter1 profile image

Thanks for your post mizzou, sorry to hear about the trolls I’ve never had a problem with your posts. I’ve been around for a while and have also noticed some posts that are a-bit ambiguous and do feel like some people get off on causing confusion and pain to others.

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to EarthSitter1

Is that your kitty in the pic then?

He is very handsome!

EarthSitter1 profile image
EarthSitter1 in reply to Turnipgirl

Yes she’s a girl named Boudicca (Bou for short) 🙂

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to EarthSitter1

We have a very spoilt elderly ginger tabby called Baby who is 20 in April!

EarthSitter1 profile image
EarthSitter1 in reply to Turnipgirl

That’s a good age! Our three are all aged 6

Our 3 little girls
Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to EarthSitter1

At 6 they are just little kittens compared to Baby!

hypercat54 profile image

I agree with the other comments here. I have never had any issue with you at all and never expect to. You give very valuable insights and are very helpful.

One thing I might suggest though is locking your posts to this community for more privacy. Otherwise your post and all the replies can go viral and even appear on social media.

Not sure if you are aware of this.

mizzou7016 profile image
mizzou7016 in reply to hypercat54

I am aware.....and normally I don't care who reads and or comments on my posts....the only thing that really gets under my skin is when someone tries to invalidate or discredit my thoughts/beliefs on something because they don't align with theirs....I always try to make people don't have to agree with my thought or belief....but please respect it.....which 99.9% of you do....

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to mizzou7016

I hope you aren't talking about me here? I haven't as far as I am aware invalidated anyone.

mizzou7016 profile image
mizzou7016 in reply to hypercat54

absolutely are definitely 100% are most of the people I encounter....however when people do that reminds me of work....people always manipulating me and trying to make their beliefs mine.......doesn't work that way

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to mizzou7016

Good that's a relief and thank you for reassuring me.

Unfortunately there are always on here and in life generally people who are emotionally immature and think they are always right. They don't understand couching something in more socially acceptable language and are unable to get their views across without losing their temper or being abusive.

We don't all agree with everything but it is essential to be able to disagree policy without getting others backs up. That achieves nothing but arguments. And who wants that?

mizzou7016 profile image
mizzou7016 in reply to hypercat54

definitely not me.....I have enough drama that i've created on my own....don't need anyone else's

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to mizzou7016

I'm sorry Mizzou

But I needed to tell you this made me laugh :) :)

mizzou7016 profile image
mizzou7016 in reply to Dolphin14

glad to know that i can keep someone entertained.....needed this at the moment....not having a good day

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to mizzou7016

Oh no, I'm so sorry

I hope your day gets better :)

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to mizzou7016

Nor me! I have sisters who are drama queens and I get sick of it.

mizzou7016 profile image
mizzou7016 in reply to hypercat54 job is drama filled.....and violent at times.....try very hard to just keep myself entertained

EarthSitter1 profile image
EarthSitter1 in reply to mizzou7016

I had someone personally message me (from another group) just because I liked a scenery picture they had posted, the thing is they were being quite rude about other people in the post and were trying to draw me in to some kind of bitchy conversation, to be honest I just blocked them but I didn’t understand how me liking a photo made them think I was the type to talk about people behind their backs. I’m not, I don’t say much but if I do say anything it’s to the person concerned, I’m not in to character slaying 🙄

Midori profile image
Midori in reply to EarthSitter1

Precisely the kind of folk we call trolls. Some are only happy when they are making others unhappy. I've been the victim on occasion, but I don't rise to the bait.

Cheers, Midori

mizzou7016 profile image
mizzou7016 in reply to EarthSitter1

I don't know people from here well enough to even remotely think about joking with them or putting them's not my speed to do that anyway.....people are going through enough stuff on their own without having to deal with meanness

EarthSitter1 profile image
EarthSitter1 in reply to mizzou7016

Totally agree, I personally am here for understanding, advice and acceptance. I’m not here to hurt or harm others. My thought is that everyone who ever they are has issues of one kind or another going on in the real world. So I try to treat people with kindness and respect.

Nanna used to say if you’ve not got anything nice to say, don’t say anything ❤️

Midori profile image

Well said, Mizzou.

Cheers, Midori

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