I was not always an introverted person I would easily walk up to people and talk to them. It's been different now , every time I talk to someone I feel angry and sad like I've done something wrong. I've become silent , I just hate that feeling I don't want to talk anymore.
I just can't talk anymore: I was not... - Anxiety and Depre...
I just can't talk anymore

I went through some silent phases like that in my young days where l was unable to talk at times. I don't know if that was depression or not
Hi, Roylox thanks ,silent phases are confusing for me but like you said its a "phase " so I'm staying positive🙂
Do you think it's a lack of confidence?

Sometimes i do think its just a lack of confidence but i wasn't like this at first. I had confidence before its not the same now.
I've had the same thing. I lost my confidence and had to build it back up. Be careful of people around you that could be making to our lack of confidence worse. It happened to me.

Thanks Gsp that's what I've been thinking about lately... i need to weed my garden
That's heavy. Probably you're emotionally drained and irritated by others and yourself. It's overwhelming. Anxiety from self-awareness and sensitivity. Depression of why others are so insensetive. Probably some alone time could help. Be pathient with yourself, it's gonna get better
I’ve been feeling similar. I had one weekend I was just… angry. I really didn’t like humans. I felt very misanthropic. It was weird because I never had had that kind of feeling before! Happily it went away after a few days.
But I still have trouble talking to people. I either lose track of what I’m saying, or I panic that I’m going to lose track or fear I am saying the wrong thing. All I can think is that I’m out of practice! And that what was always a little challenging for me has become rusty, and I’m kind of hyper aware of that.
And maybe it’s a way of showing suppressed anxiety.
Feel the same way. It is as if, I feel like I do not speak the language of human. It is not that I am not able but know if I talk I will get the same vague response that seems the new norm. Even with a laugh or joviality it is met with a scowl. Scowling seems to be the other new norm. This grieves me more than I can say.
Hi socratesanne, I know its really hard to talk to anyone right now but we can try I tried to greet a couple of people the past few days and i didnt like it at all but i still have to try. I hope that maybe you can too smile to someone if you try. Happy thoughts 😇
Yes, I want to rip off the mask and show them there is a smile. I thought the voice would help with some light humor but this seems to be met with more aggravation, like wipe that smile off your face even though they can only hear the smile. It feels like they see any comment as a personal affront, but I really think it is because they are too afraid of surprised to respond most ot the time. A few months ago it was not this bad. It seems to have increased with the Delta Virus.
Sometimes, I think we retreat like a snail going in its shell to be safe. I retreat, remain silent, at times for fear of being further hurt. Growing up I did this often and it became a pattern that lead to loneliness. How can one be comforted if they are hiding their emotions from others? That is the dilemma. Out of the depths of loneliness, I have being growing in taking risks and being more vulnerable. I am an introvert, but some people who did not know me before think I am an extrovert. I think withdrawing at times can be helpful if we need some time to process how we are feeling. I hope my sharing helps you in some way. Thanks for sharing your feelings here. HealthUnlocked is a safe place for us.
about 10 years ago now I was attacked by another male. It severely affected my self confidence after the legal recourse was complete. Years later I held a conversation in which I authentically expressed myself to another and subsequent resulted in more legal trouble. Point is real words are not welcome. Live Social interaction requires people to pretend like everything is perfect and there are no troubles or disagreements. I am just now beginning to embark on actually speaking to strangers and acquaintances. Yet, my mistrust wracks every interaction. I too used to be very extroverted, even president of my class in school, popular, gregarious, liked everyone. Although Meyers Briggs rated me as a mild introvert in college, my introversion in the past decade has had some serious effect on my mental health. I am still daily filled with lonliness and rage at the injustice which I have endured. Never the less, instead of blaming cell phones and social media, which I do blame for the onslaught of lack of human socialization and present moment empathy, I step out of my house, which in and of itself is a risk, I greet the sun and the sky and tell myself I am going to have a good day. I cannot control what others think of me, but I am not going to let haters ruin my life experience. I have found that I actually feel better about my self when I am open and expressive instead of being snobby because the only person that cares about me and suffers from snobby is me. Only I get to control my attitude and my gregarious nature.
Hi JPMcG, its good to know you have control of you. You are right, only we can control our attitudes and nature...maybe i should do that too🙂🙂