does anyone else have a problem with your medication getting stuck in your throat? i get really bad heartburn from it. i take 2 40mg of prozac every morning. is there a reason for this?
medication : does anyone else have a... - Anxiety and Depre...

Hi, I have stomach problems too and I find if I take my meds with sparkly water or lemonade it helps them go down, good luck
Yes, I think that fluoxetine is one they say to take with food. That helped me when I was on it... though then sometimes I wouldn't take it if I wasn't eating 😬
Yes I get food stuck in my throat too.It takes so much water and choking to get them down.
Go to ur gp if it's really bad I did.
Waiting hospital appt.
Good luck sweetie 🙂 hope it improves as it's scary hugs xx
I also find certain pills have trouble swallowing but do have a lot of problems with food sticking in my throat . Sometimes I can get it down drinking water. Which is quite painful until I can get food dislodged; or, I have to bring food up. Was told in South Africa I have inflammation of the oesophagus.
You definitely need go to your Doctor. I don't produce enough saliva or tears. Part of illness I have.
How long has it been a problem?
I hope you get the treatment that'll help😊 and quickly!!
I'm feeling sick at the moment so need to go.
Hugs sweetie 🙂
I used to have a problem with tablets getting stuck, still do very occasionally, but I find that having a drink before taking the tablets helps, it lubricates the throat.
I have large pills and supplements I take that get stuck in my throat. I discovered this by accident, but it works for me. I use a plastic disposable water bottle with a small opening and swallow the pill with water from the bottle. It must have something to do with the way my mouth is shaped when I'm swallowing the pill. This works like a charm. I hope it helps you,
I have that problem as well, I usually have a piece of banana after I take the meds, it helps.
When swallowing pills with water or other liquid don't tilt your head back; it closes your throat more.