I’ve been dealing with anxiety for a few years which has lead to depression. What do you guys think about anti anxiety/depression medication? I’ve never been on prescribed medication besides like antibiotics when sick. Does it help you guys? Was it a struggle to find what worked for you? Just looking for some insight. Ive got to find something to help me. Not sure if my insurance covers therapy and There’s no way I could pay for it out of pocket.
Medication? : I’ve been dealing with... - Anxiety and Depre...

Hi, I understand. With the high insurance deductibles, therapy is out of question. I tried Lexapro (it made me gain 40 lbs) and I did feel a little more relax but did not like the side effects. Later I tried Zoloft and besides the weight gain it gave me muscle twitches everywhere. So I did not have any luck but for some people they seem to work. Now, I have a prescription for Klonopin to take as needed and that one helps when I am really anxious. It is hard to decide but I guess the only way to know is to try them. Best of luck.
Thank you for your reply. I’m actually on a diet right now so weight gain wouldn’t be ideal. But you’re right everyone is different, its just intimidating with all of the different medication and side effects. Guess I’ll do some research
There are some clinics who have therapists who are working on their 1000 hours of sessions to get their license. They are therapists, but still have to work under a supervisor capacity till they finish their hours. I found the best therapy with one of these clinics. It's pay what you can, with a min. amount of 10.00 per session. I also personally take an antidepressant in a low dose, but had to go through a few different ones, and had the dosage adjusted along the way as well. Some people have managed their depression and anxiety without medication by other means, and it seems to work for them. I would say start reading the posts here and see what others experiences have been and get more of an idea what direction you want to go. Glad your here and sharing.
In regard to medicine, they often suggest that if you have had a family member that has had luck with a certain type of medication, then it typically would work for you as well! hope this helps.
Hi, I've taken anxiety Meds for years. Had problems going on them and problems getting off them. I don't exactly recommend them but, sometimes they are necessary. I now take a very small dose which seems to work for me. But, I've found other things help like not eating rubbish, drinking Coffee or alcohol. Getting outside helps as does regular excersize, which in turn helps with Sleeping properly. Not all Meds suit people and getting the right one is important. Councilling helps too if you can get it. I think it's about finding what suits you. Best of luck. 😊🌻✌️
Yes Gardenings great. And such a sense of achievement when things start to grow!🌷🌸🌻🌻
Dubba61 is absolutely right about that, in fact I'm trying to get out of a funk of worrying about this thing coming up, and we decided to go get some seeds, It's still a bit cold, but warming up steadily...we have an old greenhouse to work on. I'm moving slow, but will get there..and once I'm doing stuff...it makes me happy for work on growing things that bring us gifts of flower...and fruit and veggies...
That's a really good idea faux. A real project. I have only a tiny garden. But i grow Tomatoes in pots, spuds in sacks. Gooseberrys, raspberrys blueberry's all in big Pots. And lots of Flowers. Completely takes my mind off my troubles. I get so engrossed. On a nice warm evening I can sit on my little bench with a glass of wine or a Cuppa n admire my work. In Winter looking at Seed catalogues passes many an hour on. 😊🌻✌️
Ha!...kindred garden souls....we just had a way below freak freeze, so I still can't plant, but the bulbs are hanging in there...I heard the Cuppa ref. I take mine sweet, gonna fix the green house at least this week hopefully....but today was a blue day...just too cold and rainy to go out.
Medication has helped me, but I have tried a few different ones to find the one that worked for me. That is the hard part but you get through it and knowing that once you find the right one it will help you tremendously. I would just make sure you do as your doctor says by following the directions of the medication, keep in close contact with your doc and call if needed, I will say that my body had to adjust to the meds in my system and I felt dizzy, nauseous, and tired but after a couple weeks they were gone. Everyone has their own experiences unique to them and what med might work for me may not work for you or the first one you try may me great for you. I hope this helps a little.