Hi everyone, I have been disconnected from this group for a long time because my life improved and I was free from depression and anxiety symptoms. I got a job, I made friends, I improved the relationship with my father and things started to 'work' again. However few days ago I started to feel very low and anxious again. There's a huge void in my life, I feel I don't have a purpose. I dread the mornings when I'm not busy. Winter in Germany where I live is extremely depressing. The sky is grey and people are extremely unfriendly. I decided to call my psychiatrist and he's increasing the dose of Zoloft from 125 to 150. It feels very bad. Like I'll never get out of this thing and I'll be stuck in my depression forever. I just wanna rest in my bed today that I am off work and it's my first day taking 150. I thought I'd reach out and see if i can talk to someone here.
I'm back after 4 months. I need someo... - Anxiety and Depre...
I'm back after 4 months. I need someone to talk to.

If there was someone here that could ease my anxiety a bit now I'd be super grateful🌷
You are brave for reaching outYou are brave for noticing how you are today and taking the time to reflect
You are brave to contact your health professional and seek help
Winter is hard, low light, a time of limbo and the 'high' of Christmas/new year over
This is a little step down, but it doesn't have to be a spiral down into how it was before
You are brave
Thanks Elvis...I actually feel weak for not doing better and needing help
you are in no way weak my friend.....who's to say that you're not doing better....I would never ask for help...I still struggle with asking for help....but I'm a lot better than i used to be..I have 2 major roadblocks that set me back....pride and ego...being in public safety we are supposed to be this strong resilient human....asking for help is seen as a weakness...fighting the darkness...every day
I share the void you described.
Days without purpose are agonizing.
I don’t have any answers but I agree with the previous respondent.
Your here. You’re seeking help and medicating.
Be patient and have faith
I’m sorry you feel this way. People here are so helpful and you’re not alone. Depression is serious. Exercise always helps. A pet, book a hobby. Please feel free to message me. It will get bettter!!!!
I relate to every single thing you just said and then some. My pain hurts. I mean sometimes, I can actually feel the ache in my heart - and - I am on the max of Zoloft, 200mg. I think it “popped out” a long time ago. I think they all have. If you have no other release, just cry. It does cleans the soul. I don’t know what I would do if I could not release in tears. I only recently felt this way about it. Anyway, sorry: I am ADHD as well lol so I am all over the place when I speak and write. If you haven’t been on Zoloft for long, I’m thinking the increase my help for you. If not, there are a zillion others out there. Are you on medication for your anxiety?
I hope you feel better! Pamper yourself. Go easy on yourself. Watch True Crime on TV lol. That’s what I do. I love it, and it keeps my mind occupied. . .most of the time. Seriously. . .or maybe some other hobby. I do know what it is like waking up wondering, "what in the world am I going to do all day”! Boredom is a thing and it can be ugly. I feel all the same doom and gloom you describe. It is awful. I pray you find peace. You are never alone. I don’t know what your faith is but God will never betray your, forsake you, abandon you, etc. Spending time reading about His promises does help. It’s difficult to “see” it; but, God is always with us. He is inside of us as well if we let Him in. I pray He will fill that void. . I pray this for myself as well. Best wishes! Karen
You are not alone. My zoloft dose increased now to 175, so I believe I understand how you feel. But I try to stay positive and hope that, one day, I will be off meds and feeling great, even if now I am barely functioning. I think often that I want to be "like before". But, both you and I will manage. I have no doubt about it. Wish you all the best and keep taking the medication, even if you do not like it.
I used to be at the maximum doze of Zoloft, so I understand. The days are starting to get longer again, so hopefully that will help all of us. I've been watching psychologists on YouTube and find that helpful. I can give you the names of the channels if you'd like me to.
Start doing light therapy you will fell amazing, first thing when you wake up for 1 hour, 10000lux work great buy it at Amazon or wherever you are able, don’t just rely on antidepressants !
Don't feel ashamed of being back. That's what this place is for. Whenever you are in need, we'll be here. Don't feel like you did something bad because the doctor increased your dosage. Seasonal Affective Disorder is a real thing. Grey skies, icy temps and feeling cold void of warmth can make for the blues.
Also doctor didn't say this is permanent. You can always come back down. It's just right now, you need a little extra help.
I'm glad to hear you made progress with your life and personal relationships. I'm proud of you. Keep up the great work.
Wishing you warmest wishes and love 🫂❤️