I'm 22 years old, I graduated from college in May and I just feel so lost. I've struggled with anxiety and depression for a long time, but I would say that they manifested into real problems by the time I was in late middle school into high school. Every semester, I would go home every day for at least two weeks and sob. The anxiety and depression reinforced each other. It took me a long time to learn how to drive, for example, because I was deathly afraid of it and the feeling of failure fed into the depression. Perhaps I was coddled too much or whatever, but I struggled a whole lot throughout high school. I went to college and went through my first love and breakup all while covid shut everything down. It returned me to the place of feeling like what I was going through was inescapable. I started taking various meds and while some of them did offer some relief, there were side effects and none of them ever made me feel "okay". I really struggled my senior year of college because I wasn't sure I was doing what I wanted to be doing. My degree, I believe, wasn't necessarily a bad choice because it doesn't lock me into a specific career that I am unhappy about but I was still frightened. At that point, I had jobs, but they were either really easy so I didn't try that hard or, for my one retail job, negative enough on my psyche that I actively wanted to get covid during that period so I wouldn't have to go into work. There is still that fear that the full time job will be too much pressure and that that barrier will keep me dependent on others and never really finding my own place in the world. I did a virtual IOP program which did give me some tools, but I had to leave it a bit early due to changes in insurance. Since then, I have been feeling pretty awful again.
It feels like no matter what I do, these feelings just come back. It isn't even just sadness, but it turns me inconsolable. I already have noticed over the years that I experience less joy in the things that I typically like, but in these periods I get absolutely nothing out of enjoyable activities. I also struggle to get things done that I need to (I lose some ability to focus and get tasks done) so it isn't like I am just supplementing for fun activities with important stuff. I know that this feeling won't last forever because I've felt it before and it didn't last forever, but I am just really tired and frustrated that, even after doing an IOP and even after years of therapy that this is something that I deal with still. I want to make changes so that I feel better (yoga, exercise, journaling, therapy, etc.) but sometimes it all just feels useless when I know that at any time because of life events the feelings can return.
Does anyone else relate to this? What do you all do during these periods? Has anyone here been successful so far at reducing the frequency/intensity/duration of these time periods? I'd like to know more about what people have done in similar scenarios, or at the very least know that what I am going through isn't something super unique and incurable.