What is the deal with joint pain associated with depression and anxiety? I have had anxiety for years but in the last few my joints have been killing me. I’m only 42 and I have been tested for RA. I think it might be just arthritis but could I be causing my own joint pain with my mind?
Anxiety depression and joint pain - Anxiety and Depre...
Anxiety depression and joint pain

I suffer from joint and nerve pain and have Fibromyalgia. Ask your doctor about it. Good luck!
Hello, I am a sufferer of depression and now add anxiety and panic attacks. Stinks?!**
I am suffering thru my latest bout - it is accompanied with Fibromyalgia. This apparently is a symptom of depression/anxiety,panic and major stress. I talked with my Pharmacist today (he is So Knowledgeable), He tells me as we get my depression under control (or gone) the Fibromyalgia will leave. Right now I hurt head to toe. I have a Tenns Unit that I apply to my most painful areas and I use heat, all seem to help. I hate to take pain pills, as they are bad on the liver/kidneys, the antidepressants already take their toll. I would find a Dr. who understands Depression, etc. Good psychiatrists are hard to find here, I have a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner (30 years experience), and she is Very good. When I found her last month I was a big mess, suicidal etc., now I am starting to function. She is Very knowledgeable as far as med's go and explains in detail to me, what we are doing and how the med's work.
Hope this information is of help to you. I understand we all get some Arthritis, had it since I was a kid, it moves around and goes into remission some times :o) :o) :o)
When I was in Therapy, I learnt the body will choose a weak spot to torment. So I have learnt to live with that the best way I can. And was taught "Listen to your body". That way I can help myself to some degree. Believe me I have done a lot of suffering, I am in my 70's, I have made it this far, and I am not going to roll over - EVER.
Problem for us is the Neurotransmitters get out of whack and there is not a lot we can do about that except find the right med's that work for us. You may already know this. I also recommend people to read, read, & read quality material, on line in the local library.
I wish you well and relief. I send my empathy along with Hugs and Love. Sprinkle 1
HI. Have gone through the diagnosis of fibromyalgia on top of the anxiety, depression and chronic pain from an injury that will never go away. BUT, all I know is as long as I am walking on a regular basis for pleasure with my dog in the mornings to nearby shops etc., I don't ache as much. Have you seen a rheumatologist for that test for RA, or did another type of doctor order and read the results? I did, but not for pain, but because women have bone scans after a certain age to detect signs of osteoporosis. He was able to rule out RA and the major arthritis issue......but explained since my service dog has died, I wasn't walking enough to actually keep the joint pain under control.....wasn't using my muscles, etc enough. My chronic pain specialist agreed. I had several serious injuries so there is always going to be pain, but the several hours of walking actually kept it under control. Hope this is some help.
The RA test came back negative. My grandmother has RA though so I keep tabs on it.
Good....but who ordered and interpreted the test? If it was a rheumatologist he/she could have advised you if arthritis is there, BONE joints are their "ballpark"....one caught a fractured,"mended" thorastic break..... signs that I needed to start a med to help prevent onset of osteoporosis.....cannot tell you how many MRIs, dexagrams, blood work and eve two neuosurgeries and none of those specialists said a word about that fracture or the need for me to walk more....I'm 20 years older than you, but don't feel the pain you're having in your joints. And I don't think it's all in your head or depression or anxiety....I have those too, big time some days. Am concerned for you . .....even though I think some people blame everything on our depression or anxiety.
My PCP did the test and interpreted it. Unfortunately I am stuck with kaiser hmo and they don’t really look for real issues unless they are glaring. Some days it is just a nuisance but most days I can’t open a bottle of soda without being in excruciating pain. I don’t know how to get someone to pay attention to me and see if I have a real joint issue. Like you said, I have anxiety and it can affect my physically but this is real and I can’t seem to get help. Maybe there is none but it gets old hurting every day in my hands and knees.
Ok other than your hands and knees, where else to your hurt and what type of work do you do?
What about your feet or chest area above your breasts?
My feet do t really hurt. My chest doesn’t really hurt. My neck aches but I sit at a computer all day so that’s to be expected. My fingers, hands and knees are West. Then my elbows and ankles.
You meant "worst",not ""West, right?
So you're probably bent over a bit all day.
Alright, sounds like possible arthritis in your fingers and hands....but you don't mention wrist issues, so carpal tunnel not there. Knees always in same position too all day. Then you finally get up and the weight shifts to your feet at end of work day and they hurt.
Think you can help your fingers, hands with stretching and other massages like my husband has to do sometimes....he works at computer 7 days a week and his hands and fingers need that periodically during the day...he takes breaks of a few minutes at a time through out the day....due to natural aging, he has a toe or two that are numb; have athletic foot surgeon who says no big deal...but he has the ability to get away from the computer and walk as the office is in our house.
Really don't think this your mind....think this is real pain from your work. He found a cream that helped the soft tissue area on his arm near his fingers.....hummmm it's called Volfenac Gel but his work takes him to Mexico each month...and that's where he got it. It is basically an inflammatory and analgesic cream in a tube that works much better than an aspirin based cream or smelly Ben-gay. Wish I could shove it through the computer screen to you....but maybe your pharmacist can help you find something similar near you.
Think you can get an appointment with a hand specialist ....if there is a mdical school near you, the professors also have clincalgroups...fund the best diagnostics and special needs care there, even if I have to wait a few weeks to get in.....AND maybe this is covered by workers comp if you talk to your supervisor or human resource person....that's a way around an insurance that doesn't bend.....ask the supervisor or HR person if the company would cover an appointment for your hands due to the repetitive use of your fingers has really caused pain....
The RA test came back negative. My grandmother has RA though so I keep tabs on it.
Understand,,,,,the reason I asked about pain on your torso above your breast...was my Dad had it there and actually wore holes in his uniforms from rubbing it. Keep in touch and I don't "follow" people, but woud like to do that with you so my mail pulls your posts etc up out the barageo posts and relies that flood my screen. Want to know how things are going, and maybe mail a tube of my husbands crem to you. Is that ok with you? Take care xx