Hi guys. I originally came to this website when I was in a really dark place, and I still swear that if it wasn't for this place I would still be there, so I like to pop by from time to time and offer up hope by updating on my story.
When I started here, my anxiety was so bad I struggled through life with awful stomach issues which could at times be super embarrassing. My lowest moments had me, a grown man, curled up in a ball crying my eyes out in desperate despair wondering when I would die, and seriously contemplating speeding up the process.
This place, this website, and the people here saved me, and I still direct people here if I think it will help. The wonderful book by Dr Claire Weeks (Google her, you'll know it when you see it) helped me immensely, simply for the fact she did such a fantastic job of explaining exactly what was happening physical and biologically inside me. Understanding is a massive part of healing. How could a mechanic fix a car if he doesn't know what's wrong? How can we 'fix' our problems if we don't understand them.
Understanding anxiety and learning about the adrenal gland, learning that my stomach issues were caused by adrenaline and none of the fatal illnesses I was suspecting... This knowledge, along with the wonderful caring advice I got for here... And eventually with a little help from propranolol.... Gave me hope.
So where am I now? Well, I barely ever suffer with anxiety any more. I can't remember my last 'attack'. When I feel it coming these days, I laugh at it and get in with my evening... it was always worse in the evening... But not any more. My life is still way too hard, I'm still faced with more challenges than would be ideal, but my anxiety is rarely seen.
So... If I can go from crying in a ball, and being close to soiling myself in public, and actually wanting to end it all... To not actually caring for anxiety and managing to enjoy a night on the town and eating whatever I want without worry... SO CAN YOU!!!
Listen to the advice on this site
Read the book (Claire Weekes)
Consider Propranolol
Good luck, you'll get there 😁