I suffer with anxiety issues and have done for a while now. Over the last few year its gotten worse. To the extent of my tummy starts feeling funny where its making me go for poo's (didn't know how else to word it in a better way). It's not diarrhoea more firmer than that. Yesterday for instance I was meant to be going out with my son, his staffy and his gf to take Bryn for a walk. I was all sorted to go really looking forward to going and pleased he'd asked me. The problem starts with the going to the loo this starts about 3/4 an hour before my son was picking me up. Is know sooner get of the loo and I'm back on the loo again. It seems to be when I'm going to new places ive figured out. My son told me that we were in a field no toilets. I had to cancel going which I was gutted about. I was talking to the girl that does my nails, she said she and her sister get the same. They both suffer with ibs. She said they call it nervous poo. Does this happen to anyone on here, and if so, how do you deal with it.