My son came in to talk at bedtime...he says his dad doesnt hasnt called him to say goodnight in two weeks and when they do talk its because my son calls and he said even then its only a min or two. He wanted to show me. He pulled out his phone and sure enough the average lengh of the phone is 2 mins long and his dad hasnt called him since March 3rd. My son said he is going to start setting an alarm at night to call his dad to say goodnight because his dad just isnt doing it. I told him no we arent doing that because its not his job to maintain the relationship. He said he wants to talk to him.
Am I wrong for telling him no? Am i sabotaging because Im hurt? the relationship I had with my dad was exactly that we only talked when I reached out and it sucked and I dont want that for my son. I dont want him to feel like its his job at 10 to keep the relationship going. I want him to be a kid.
Need advice, I dont want to sabotage and i really dont know what I am doing as a mother anymore. I feel lost and dont know if im doing the right thing. I dont want to be like no dont call your dad I just I feel like if he set an alarm and didnt call he would geel guilty and I just feel like my son has the world on his shoulders right now.