hi everyone.
based on my last posts you know I’ve been working on my anxiety. I recently did an IOP group which I found so helpful. This weekend on Friday I went out with my friends and drank more than I should have and had a panic attack about getting sick, but didn’t get sick. Yesterday I did a tasting and had a glass of wine at a winery. I was very anxious and exhausted. I tested for covid and it was negative. I went to bed at 6pm and slept until 10am this morning. Today I feel tired again but it could be from over sleeping and anxiety. I have only eaten a smoothie today. I feel guilty because I’m at my boyfriends house. I don’t want to get him sick if I have covid, but I really don’t think I do. I think the wine and my anxiety has just made me exhausted. I am also a teacher and had a really hard week.
I feel like I’m failing bc I’m having anxiety. I want it to stop but don’t know what else to do. I knew sitting at home and sleeping wouldn’t help so I ran errands and saw my grandma and boyfriend. I’m scared to eat dinner tonight but I know it might help me feel better. That may also be contributing to why I am so tired.
I know this is pretty much a rant, but I just needed support and maybe someone to tell me I’m okay and I don’t have covid, although I know that no one can predict that