Hi all, I am a 39 year old female. I am dealing with severe anxiety and depression over covid. This is brand new to me as I am normally a very happy person. I am not coping well and have severe insomnia. I live a normal healthy life with a good career which I am unable to do at this point. Is anyone struggling with issues over covid? Any tips for insomnia. It’s driving me mad. I’m on antidepressants, anxiety meds and sleeping pills which aren’t working. I’m just looking for someone to connect with who may be dealing with the same thing.
Need a friend: Hi all, I am a 39 year... - Anxiety and Depre...
Need a friend

I'm struggling also. For me it feels like I have nothing to look forward to because everything is cancelled with no end in site. I go for days without talking to someone and I live alone. I wish I had suggestions for the insomnia but I have had it for years now. I do sleep better the more I do during the day and I have basically stopped reading the news.
I stopped reading all news and social media. Do you have friends you can text or call during the day. That helps with the loneliness for me.
I try to check in with my friends and get very little response except from one and with that person I dont want to be a burden.
I wish you had more supportive friends.
When lockdown was at its worst I volunteered to talk on the phone to people who need to talk to somebody. Through this I have kept myself occupied. I am sure if you get in touch with church or charities there will be somebody who needs a friend. It might lead to you making new friends also.
Hi. Half the churches are still closed here and very little volunteer work in a rural community. But thank you for your suggestions.
Churches are closed but societies such as "help the aged" or in my case Dissability support always need helpers, even just phone helpers. Also try phoning old peoples complexes or homes, lots of people are lonely.
I feel like I have a mild case of ocd. I am a nurse and a perfectionist. I have never been this sick in my life. Luckily I don’t live alone because I’m to the point to where I can’t even be alone. I’m not sure if it’s fear or what. Has anyone ever done emdr? Any tips for sleeping. I’m not necessarily scared of the virus, I just feel the world is in turmoil. My symptoms started as soon as covid broke out in China.
What is emdr..
It’s a scientific therapy where they try to restructure your thoughts or trauma through your eyes. Google it. It’s interesting and I’m getting ready to start it.
Have you tried the headspace app? It’s worked well for me.
I am going through the same thing! I will defiantly be your friend as I am looking for friends myself! I also can’t even function anymore because of my anxiety which came back full force after the stress of this whole COVID thing!
Let’s talk. Are you in the US, age and make or female if you don’t mind me asking. Not that it really matters. I read your biography and I am in Lamictal as well. It’s working for me but causes me even more insomnia.
I also can use a friend that is going through the same kind of anxiety as I am. I became severely anxious and my OCD kicked in! My husband is working and out there. I live in S. Fl where the virus just seems to get worse. I lost a lot of weight due to my stress. I am doing tele health with a psychologist once a week. I finally stated taking Zoloft again. I had to start at 25 mg which isn’t helping me. I was also prescribed Colozapam as needed. I try not to take it everyday. The reason I try not to take it everyday is because when I take at least one a day for multiple days, I feel as though it doesn’t help me on a really bad day. I’m looking for someone to connect with who understands..
I am trying to cope with the same issues as you. Anxiety and depression. It makes it difficult to eat and weight loss is a problem. It's good you have your husband for support. Life is not easy nowadays. Lots of stresses to cope with. I wish you the best.
He is not really supportive. He gets very short tempered with me when he comes home from work. I don’t mean to be a nag but I make him shower and wipe down his phone since he uses it constantly while at work. We own 3 UPS stores which has been an essential business and kept open. For that I should be thankful! He is around so many people a day. My fear and anxiety of him getting g the virus and bringing it home has made my OCD unmanageable which makes me anxious. I stand over him when he cleans his phone and if I think he missed a spot, I tell him. He got furious with me and threw it in the garbage. It made me more upset. So yes, in some ways he will help me by showering and wiping his phone. He doesn’t understand what anxiety feels like and only gets angry when I try to explain my feelings to him.
I can be a friend.
Please message me anytime. 🌻
Are you struggling with the same things I am. For some reason I can’t get my private messages turned on. It won’t send me the darn email.
Yes...many of the same things...break up, insomnia.
Have you tried Melatonin?
How are you feeling today?
I’m okay. I actually slept last night out of pure exhaustion and went to the sleep doc today.
I suffer from insomnia as well. but lately I find I nap as and when I FEEL TIRED. This morning was a good one, I woke at 5.30 and made myself go back to sleep. Some days I am up at 3am I just watch T.V. or something on line. I make the most of the days I do sleep, last night I put lavender gel. on my wrists and neck and it seemed to relax me. I go to bed fairly late, as if I try to go earlier I wake more. I hope it gets better for you, if you can go out in the fresh air for some part of the day that helps. Good luck for the future.
So sorry Missycrn! I have struggled insomnia to varying degrees since having kids! (They are 29 & 31🤪😳now!!) It looks like you have some great tools in your toolbox, but some others that can help me are
Writing my worries out. Each one. Dealing with the ones I can, releasing the ones I cannot. The Serenity Prayer is helpful here.
Magnesium helps to relax me.
A good B-complex
Limiting caffeine
Epsom salt baths in the evening
EXERCISE every day!! preferably early in the day stretching/yoga-esque stuff at night.
Breathing exercises, specifically 4-7-8 breathing
Reaching out to support others
Keep in mind, medications may need adjusting or switching to find your own personal “sweet spot.”
We are here for you and each other and understand how tough it can be. Great job reaching out and finding support here❤️
Have tried to read self help books? I am dealing with Deppression and panic attack mildly or moderately depending on the triggers."Feeling Good" by David Burns is very good book teaching useful strategies .It helps me with some degree at least.
I hear you loud and clear. I'm so alone. On an anti-depressant and anxiety meds. I have friends, but they seem to have spouses/families and don't want to bother them or bring them down when my mood isn't good. I swim to help with the endorphins and my mood. If I didn't have swimming as an outlet, I'd probably would have already taken my life. I don't want to take my life, so I keep praying to God to help me get rid of this loneliness and depression and to help me get through this life. We're living in terrible times. People who don't have depression/anxiety or feeling it now. Just trust God to get you through this mess. If I come down with COVID, I hope I die from it because I will be so much happier in Heaven with my parents and loved ones.
Hey I'm going thru the same thing
Hi. I too have anxiety, insomnia and depression. Two years ago I was diagnosed with PD.
Through the PD blog here on HealthUnlocked, I have learned a lot about supplements. There has been talk lately about mannitol and it's ability to slow the progression of PD and eliminate some of the symptoms. I've added mannitol to my "things I take daily" list. A tablespoon in my morning coffee. Well, it has it's own side effects too - I'm sleeping much, much better after taking it for a month now. You're welcome to private message me if you ever need to chat. Take care, missycrn.