Isolation : Anyone else have issues... - Anxiety and Depre...

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15 Replies

Anyone else have issues with other people? Some I feel I am bothering if I vent. Others can't trust to vent to. So I try to keep it all to myself. Most times lately to the point of shutting down, isolating myself from all. The older I get the worse it gets. I try to force myself to at least interact with people. That helps some , but end of day no one to share good or bad with. Anyone else?

15 Replies
gajh profile image

You can vent here knowing that it is with people who understand. You are not alone.

Trentz profile image

Yeah I have this. It's especially hard when going through something particularly difficult

Yes, I also struggle with this. I have managed to detach from my family and I don't have friends. My wife is my only connection and she's great but, it's only one person. Also, her job is counseling so, at the end of her day, the last thing I wanna do is bother her, ya know? So, yes, I understand.

Anyway, what can we do but hang out here, it's a great community. It's helped me loads of times. You can always vent here. There are so many helpful people here and uplifting messages.


I relate to what you're saying. I vent to my spouse and ask for reassurance, but it's like I never can get enough. My anxiety and depression just keep me from feeling the support. And I'm not very good at reaching out to others. Or if I do, I just obsess afterward about how stupid I sounded during our conversation.

in reply to

Gosh do I relate to this! I do the same stuff.

Mijmijkey74 profile image
Mijmijkey74 in reply to

I vent to myself as no husband or partner. Nobody in my life to give me reassurance when needed. My depression and just eternal inner sadness and loneliness and abuse verbally I receive from others and my ugly facial feaures I see in everything that gives reflection keep me down, and depressed not wanting to live this hard life anymore. Past support was always with terms and conditions and very one sided, and not my side. So that and other stuff that has gone on/goes on has given/gives me trust issues which mean I don't trust annyone to ask for support as asking/reaching out for it in the past has seen it all flung back at me and used against me for peoplee to gang up on me. So I don't trust people to ask for the support I truly need as life has taught me people only get power trips and ego boosts and ffeel superior when they offer support and they become condescending and two faced and really don't care as they have a better happier life and they just view me/people like me as nothing, pathetic and worthless and eventually they show their true colours that I see in them from the start, but if mention that am accused of being paranoid, yep so paranoid that so far my intuition has not been wrong despite their claims of them caring truly and being genuine. I never feel supported, just more and more an inconvenience, a blight, a problem, worthless, useless, nothing by others attitudes and behaviours towards me ultimately. Like you, when I have previously reached out, everything I said/did gets put on ground hog day repeat over and over with me cringing and hating myself more about how stupid I sounded in the conversation/or how stupid I must have looked. Can't stand my voice how it sounds or how I speak, so I don't speak much, juss think a lot instead. x

in reply to Mijmijkey74

It is so hard to trust people after they betray us. I think that's why sites like these are important -- at least we have walked in each other's shoes in many ways. I don't know if you have a dog or cat, but I sometimes snuggle with my pets when I feel like I can't trust another soul in the world. They are unconditionally loving, and I try to let that soak in.

in reply to

I have several animals. I rescue them. They are true. They too have been through so much betrayal. So we understand each other. If people were more like them the world would be a better place. I tend to withdraw and hide in my own safe little world. I know it's safe but also part of my problem. If I don't get out and socialize I will continue to feel lonely. So I try to force myself. Only to be disappointed again. I know I need to keep trying,but I think why bother.

Mijmijkey74 profile image
Mijmijkey74 in reply to


No pets, severe asthma and allergies and skint, unemployed so no money to care for animals. I struggle just maintaining care for myself and those around me whom drain everything emotionally/mentally and physically from me without a care towards/for me. Neither do I want mess from an animal in my home nor it full of fur everywhere the animal would go, nor the dander, nor the smell, nor the fleas that all animals do get even when treated with flea stuff. Nor the accidents, nor the expense. Animals require immense care, consistency, commitment and are very dependant on their human/humans to maintain them. I do not dislike animals, but do not want them in my home. If had lots of land I'd get a horse or two, maybe a goat. It would have to be acres and acres of immense land as I can't abide seeing animals unable to run free or trapped in cages or grim zoo enclosures. If humans weren't so destructive and needy along with greedy the welfare of animals in their natural habitats wouldn't be an issue or endangerment for them. All animals should be free, but humans because of our minds and how wrong they can be, in order to ensure animals are naturally free roaming/swimming/flying/climbing in their own natural habitats and to ensure children too remain protected from human and animal harm, humans must have limitations and boundaries on their freedoms to protect nature and themselves as humans from their destruction of nature an themselves due to greed/want that resides within all humans that drives us forwards leaving destruction in our paths. The day humanity ceases to exist this planet and nature can start to just naturally be again. Humans just can't but help interfering/meddling/making mass mess/polluting and damaging the earth/planet/animals/eachother more than nature/the earth/planet/animals ever do. Animals only need/rely upon us because we trap/capture/confine/farm/use them. Making them then dependant upon us when naturally they never should be. We need them more than they need us. All poachers and illegal hunters along with paedophiles/rapists/ muggers/sex traffickers/abusers with intent/murderers/killers/kerb crawlers/drug dealers/terrorists/hijackers/kidnappers/animal abusers/repeated thieves should be shot or hung. Trail, either found innocent/guilty, but for the above crimes with intent, repeated offenders. Then shot or hung. No prison sentences for repeat offers, no reprise for repeat offers. As you can tell my faith and liking in and of humans and what they do,, their behaviour is very jaded, but jaded so by what what we humans do. Even by humans not breaking laws. Our very act ofbeing human is problemattic in it self for everything around us. We all play significant roles in the destruction and decimation of nature/earth/this planet/animals/eachother. I want as little part in any of it as possible, but unfortunately just by being human my part is immense like every other humans is too. For billions their part is more than immense and selfishness and greed stops them from seeing and caring and having any level of concern for anything/anyone besides themselves/possessions and possibly the animal/animals they have trapped, domesticated in their homes.


Want to add that if domesticated animals in peoples homes aren't mistreated, appear contented, happy, relaxed, aren't annoying neighbours/are picked up after/are properly medically treated when ill not left to suffer/aren't left staving or dying of thirst or left locked up inside vehicles without ventilation and they aren't fed human foods and dressed up like humans and they are as domesticated animals kept warm and not abused, then guess it ok if the animal does appear happy/contented/safe. Though they can't speak to say otherwise.

Humans can speak to say otherwise, but unfortunately often don't out loud of how they are suffering. And they too can appear to onlookers as being happy/contented/safe. At least humans can speak/mouth/sign/write if they so wish/have oppertunity.

Sorry just fed up with humanity. Truly fed up. 😔😞😩😣😔💔🥺

in reply to Mijmijkey74

I agree 💯 with everything you said. I feel the same. Easier to shutdown and isolate. It's lonely but safe. I find comfort in knowing there are others who feel like I do. I hope it helps you too.

fauxartist profile image

Vent away...this is a great place to do it, no judgement, most have been there and done that they are more willing to understand how you feel...glad your sharing.

in reply to fauxartist

That's why I'm here, thanks for listening

Hi you shouldn't keep things in that's what this sites for although I only vent so to speak in here and even to family and friends when I can't hold it in any longer or deal with my problems and worries myself, there's plenty of good people here that can understand you and I recently did a post on not keeping things in I hope you can find comfort in this site 🤗

DaleandJ2017 profile image

I know exactly how you feel! I feel like I have no one to talk to but God and I only have one friend and I feel like I am wearing her out with my venting! I can't really talk to my husband he is working two jobs to take care of me and under so much pressure I don't want to add to it but I really need more friends that I can talk to the problem is my anxiety is so bad I can barely get out of the house! so I feel you!

Mijmijkey74 profile image

Yes. 😔

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