So I’ve never posted on here but I’m having a really hard night. To get straight to the point my mom died when I was 13. A year after I begged my bio family to homeschool me. I isolated myself for like 6 years and now i don’t know how to function and make friends. Recently it has gotten so intense that I get mad at my adoptive parents when they hang out cause I don’t have anyone to hang out with myself. How do you stop isolating when you have crippling anxiety?
isolation: So I’ve never posted on here... - Anxiety and Depre...

Being alone when you don't want to be, and seeing others have happy relationships when you feel like you're "broken" in that area, can be really crushing. I go through some of that too. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. Do your adoptive parents know how alone you feel, and do they understand your frustration about it? What does your anxiety make you feel afraid of, specifically? Is it specific to in-person socialization? Sending you good vibes tonight. You are not alone.
thank you
They do and they try to understand but they just see it as “well you aren’t alone cause you have us” which I really never want to sound ungrateful but that’s just not the same as having an outside life. My anxiety/trauma spark major trust issues and I can’t even put myself out there. This is the first thing I’ve tried in years. The outside world is just so scary in-person or not it’s hard.
I really appreciate it thank you:))
hi i was wondering if you are taking medication for your anxiety. I think being here is a great way to chat to people with the same problems, its a good start in communicating and maybe get some advice.
i agree. I’m on medication for my anxiety and depression, and they are working for the most part but I think that the next step is to push myself but it’s just so difficult.
BTW, i love crab Rangoon 😋♥️your avatar name is a culinary delight 🤤hi to curly-quavers, as well😘
until this year I always knew I suffered from treatment resistant depression but I had no 💡 idea how crazy bad anxiety was ruining my quality of Life and how much it influences and triggers my depression. They are like 2 monsters fighting for the right to dictate my life for me. I finally vowed to conquer them after 48 years, or at least tame them back into controllable entities that I can manage.
theres an anxiety guide and expert on youtube that I've found to be an awesome tool for understanding my relationship with anxiety and how I can actively figure out what I need to do to reframe my past experiences and befriend my inner child/subconscious mind in order to heal my anxiety. His name is Dennis Simsek. He's called the Anxiety Guy. Look him up and listen to a couple podcasts. I promise he'll give you a new perspective on anxiety in general. I love his content and teachings. I hope you find him helpful too. Good luck 🤞
I’ve always imagined them as monsters in my head too lol. It’s a never ending battle in there.
Thanks for the suggestion I’ll look listen to his stuff
It's Armageddon in my head on a regular basis between anxiety and depression. Im also ADHD with panic attacks and PTSD, too. So many fun companions to coexist with. Let me know what you think about the anxiety guy. Im rooting for you in the war of conquering our monsters! We can do this!! Keep on fighting. You are WORTH IT ♥️
i lost my mom when I was 19, so I understand your loss. Its much too soon to lose a parent that early in life. Oct 4 was 28 years. It still feels like yesterday...
haha same. Anytime I go to my therapist or psychiatrist it’s always another thing added to the bunch lol. Thank you! We sure can
I’m so sorry. It’s such a deviating thing to go through. It’s makes the holidays hard. It was December 18th
Sending my love❤️
btw...I'm adopted, too. I was 5 months old, tho. Yikes...Dec 18 is really difficult time to deal with loss. Holidays are a super anxious time of the year anyway. Im not a fan of them. We don't have kids, and I work in the casino, so I haven't had traditional holiday get togethers in 28 yrs. And I'm just fine with that! If my days off fall on Xmas, I usually find someone to work for that has little kids so they have the time off and I don't have to deal with the excuses and invitations. Its always, sorry I gotta work🤷no shame what so ever 🤭
Love 2 U♥️
sounds like you have been through alot, and sorry about your mum too. I miss mine and life seems empty without my parents. I have a son who is 25 and he has anxiety, he hasnt seen his girlfriend in a year and half as hes been in his bedroom alot and playing on the playstation. he only just sold it this year. now he is thinking of going out but its hard as he keeps over thinking everything. O would say dont push yourself to the point that you may have a panic attack, but maybe challenge yourself to maybe go for a walk when there are not many people about. maybe go with your guardians early morning, you can make friends online, on twitter you can add animal groups and get involved with petitions to help all sorts of animals and support them. That is if you like animals. I didnt know i suffered anxiety until recently as i was going through depression, and when i went out something triggered it off. since the lockdown alot of people have been nervous and has set people back. my ex partner was violent to me and i had to go out to get shopping near to where he lived so i panicked half way over there. im glad to be staying at home for now. maybe write down things you want to do in life and take one step at a time to acheive it. just small things to start you getting out and making friends. well you have made a friend already, so anytime you want to chat message me, or put your feelings down, or even write what you think or been feeling, you will get a reply here. take it easy okay.😜😁
thank you so much for sharing I know it can be a lot. I’m proud of your son for wanting to get out there it’s an amazing first step! I’m right there with him. There have been times that I push myself too much and I have a really bad panic attack and then crash completely so I basically have to start all over. But I remind myself that healing is not linear
Thank you I really appreciate it<3
that’s very true. Thank you
hi, crab Rangoon! Just checking in on you to see how you were feeling. Its Fri and I hope you have some fun plans for the weekend. I'm working but always around. Stay strong and resilient 💝