I have been taken something in order to sleep for the past 12 years, and Ambien for the last seven. Most recently, Scott and progressively worse over the last 2 years. I take Ambien, drink, unison, melatonin, and still managed to only get five to six hours of sleep and in that Ambien Haze end up hanging up the phone with my boyfriend who is very long distance and send ridiculous texts or voice to text messages which is starting to deteriorate this relationship. He says it's the reason why he hasn't decided to move forward with closing the gap but I have no idea how to tie trade off of this and it's causing extreme depression and anxiety which is a horrible cycle to be stuck in.
Ambien Horror : I have been taken... - Anxiety and Depre...
Ambien Horror

Sadly I have gone from melatonin, valerian root, Benadryl, unisom, to where I am now 😒
You mentioned drink..hope it doesn't mean you're using alcohol with the ambien or any sleep medication. That can be dangerous since alcohol itself is a central nervous system depressant.
I too have been on ambien for years and it doesn't really work any longer. I have been given the OK for long term use of a benzo due to some physical conditions and the fact that I am unable and allergic to all NSAIDs and pain killers. I used to take an ambien and one 1mg klonopin for years and had great sleep. Then I had kids. Since then my meds are all over the place. I just started gabapentin for other bladder issues I'm having and it has greatly improved my sleep. My sister also converted to gaba from ambien and is doing ok. It's just a bonus that this med that I need may help me sleep better too. I actually read a study that gaba with L theanine (buy anywhere) is the perfect sleep combo. I literally have L Theanine coming from amazon! And yes, be careful if you are drinking too. When I was on ambien on the beginning, I also did those strange things. Then as I got older I realized that I just needed to take it and lay down so I didn't do those things. I now have no issues, pills then lights out. I'm wondering if you were able to do that you would avoid the other things and if your bf would find that a reasonable answer to his concerns. Just take the ambien after you and he speak or face time or whatever. I guess I never really texted or called people but I did do lots of shopping!
Sleep meds should only be used short-term, they have terrible side effects,I didn't like my mom on that ambien...
Please talk to whomever prescribed this medication and let them know what's going on.Have you ever considered weaning yourself off all of it, under a doctor's guidance?
You don't say how much you drink. If it's heavily, you may need help with alcoholism. As a recovering alcoholic, I know that alcohol interferes with sleep.
Seroquel100mg plus 1mg Klonopin puts me to sleep every night.
I'm so sorry that you're struggling. Maybe you need to try some new meds? I take Zyprexa, doxylamine, melatonin, and clonazepam to sleep and still sometimes struggle. Try the extended release melatonin, I just started that and it helps to keep me sleeping. I wish you peace. ✨️✨️✨️✨️
Ambien is one of the most dangerous drugs on the market....it puts you in a hypnotic state, it's different in that way as compared to other drugs to help you sleep. I've had a friend tell me you can get up i the morning and find a pot burning on the stove, or food out all over the counter, or that you drove your car and don't remember doing it other than your car is parked in a different place than usual and you have fast food wrappers all over the place....
Of all the drugs other than opioids....this drug is literally as dangerous as an alcohol black out.
Yet like booze...doctors hand them out like Smarties or M & M's.