this is going to sound so dumb and I’m so sorry. I went to hobby lobby today and realized I went to hobby lobby days before I got covid last year, and I bought the same bulletin boarders for my classroom as I got that time. I tested positive last year days after I went. I’m now terrified this will happen again
scared : this is going to sound so dumb... - Anxiety and Depre...

But think of all the things that were different also, you probably parked in a different spot, it's a different time of day, different people working there so that's means you probably won't get it 🙃
Believe it or not, this is probably a good thing.
Well simple, you are facing one of your fears without having to deal with all of the anticipatory anxiety that comes with it. (which the "anticipatory anxiety" is sometimes harder than facing the fear itself)
I don’t know if I should keep testing or stop
It seems unlikely that you will get Covid because you went to the same store that you went to right before you got the evil virus last year. Your thinking sounds like, "Well, if this sequence of events happened last year, it will happen again."In fact, you don't really know where you picked up the virus last year! No, you don't need to keep obsessively testing yourself....if you start showing symptoms, then of course it makes sense to run a test. Otherwise, let this go. 😍
thank you so much! I guess I’m so obsessive over it because I just got back from a trip where I was out and about and traveling on a plane. I don’t have symptoms but I feel like it’s only a matter of time before I get sick
I haven’t been out much since covid - I’ve caught it twice and both times my depression took a nose dive. I’m terrified to get it again. Next month I have to get on an airplane … do people still wear masks? And are people still getting mad at folks for wearing masks? I know I shouldn’t care but my anxiety is on hyperdrive lol
totally understand this!! Most people didn’t have masks on my flight. I had a mask but of course it broke so I ended up not wearing it. I read online that the air is pretty clean in airplanes but who knows. I know so many people who have gone on a plane without a mask and have been fine!!!