Zoloft isn't helping me with anxiety so my psychiatrist said to slowly get off of it and start mirtazapine. I started going down on the zoloft but I haven't taken the mirtazapine because I am so scared to. I'm afraid its going to make me feel even worse and I just can't get over this horrible fear.
I'm so scared and uncomfortable - Anxiety and Depre...
I'm so scared and uncomfortable

I understand the feeling of fear with these drugs and their side effects
It's always scary and difficult to try a new medication and worry about the effectiveness of it and possible side effects. Remember that when starting a new med side effects are usually short lived. Try the new med and see how it goes. Maybe it will be one that really helps you. I was on and off many meds over the course of a few decades; some worked really well for quite a while and others didn't. Each person is different.
Mirtazapine is the best antidepressant/antianxiety med I have ever taken. I have been on it for about 9 years. My biggest tip is take it at night, because it can make you drowsy and increase appetite. Taking it before bed helps in dealing with both. Good luck!
I've tried Mirt a few times. At the beginning it's extremely sedating. Have it with your evening meal and you'll be conked out by 8pm. Takes a good few months to start feeling less tired during the day. Appetite will increase and you will feel less full after eating. It's used as an appetite stimulant in animals who've stopped eating.
Apart from those things, I never had any unpleasant side effects from it.
Hope you give it a shot when you're ready.
I disagree with your advice about "evening meal". I wouldn't make it to bedtime if I did that. My pharmacist, and the PA's instructions tell me to take it "right before bed".
hi there. I used Mirtazapine for several years and only came off it cos I was on the max dose but needed more help. Of course everyone has different experiences with different meditations but mine was a very positive one. It really helped massively with my sleep, and although I still had a high base level of anxiety at least I was relatively stable. Remember it Mirtz doesn’t work for you your doctor may well have other options they can try so you have nothing to lose by trying it.
Unfortunately you won't know if the med will help you or not unless you try it and give it a number of days and even weeks to see if it helps you. The thing to remember is that you can quit or taper off of it if it doesn't. Your anxiety is making you blow things out of proportion and causing you to not think rationally.
The other thing I found and is very common is that meds alone did not resolve my anxiety I had to learn what it really is and how to constructively deal with it. I suggest you check out the DARE Anxiety book and youtube videos or the website/youtube videos of Paige Pradko to learn how best to deal with your anxiety.