I finally just called and set an appointment to go back to therapy. I go next Wednesday at 9am. My hands are shaking now just from making the phone call.
I am terrified of what therapy is going to bring up for me. I'm terrified that I could be doing all of this for nothing. I'm terrified of the thought that maybe they can't help me. I'm terrified of opening up to anyone in person. I don't know why it's so much harder to do in person.
I guess I'm just looking for some supportright now. It's my last chance at this Dr office because, I missed so many appointments before. I don't want to mess this up again. They said my first appointment will just be doing the intake evaluations all over again. I don't know why but that stresses me out.
Does anyone have any experience or advice when it comes to therapy? Its all the questions in my head that are getting to me right now. The fear of what is to come. Any encouraging words or advice would be very much appreciated right now. Thanks to all in advance.